Greetings from Fulda Schools! We are only a few weeks from wrapping up the school year! The year will definitely be one for the kids to remember until they look back “on the good old days” and the 18-19 school year. We are struggling to get all the spring activities taken care of and I’m hopeful this week will finally be the time to turn the corner for good.
Another tradition that will be changing at graduation this year is not having a prayer. With our changing society and the separation of Church and State it was only a matter of time before the concerns would surface and as a district we will make the change and move forward. Fulda School does not need to make the KELOLAND, let alone WCCO, for going against the law. We visited with the seniors and have a very nice alternative with the class president taking time for a reflection on all our blessings.
As change happens with much, some things stay the same and in our case can become even better. We are going to ramp up and celebrate a great Baccalaureate service on Wednesday May 22nd at the Fulda High School gymnasium at 7 p.m.
Looking back on the class yearbooks, Baccalaureate has been a great tradition for the Fulda seniors. A time to thank God for the students’ education and successes and to pray for a bright future. This program is optional for seniors and will be student led. All are welcome to come out and support our graduates and give them a boost. Often I have found attending this service, and greeting the kids, can have an even bigger impact on the graduate by seeing the public take an “extra night” out of their schedule to
celebrate with the students.
• I received a few more donations to our “Raider Road” History Center which is slowly coming to life in the hallway from the office to the gym entrance. I really enjoy the stories and hope to hear about the the windows on the elementary and the old doorways to the east. Let me know if you have a story and I’ll be there!
• I have been in contact with our public finance folks in the cities and we are visiting about alternatives to getting a few big projects completed in the district that will really turn the corner and ready us for a very bright future. We must address the windows on the old elementary for efficiency and for the look. The building is amazing and all it needs is a little TLC. We also must address the
original boilers at the high school. They have served us well the past 60 or so years but it’s time. And of course we must keep up on our roofing. The option that I am looking at involves some new legislation and a recent funding stream that could actually REDUCE ag land taxes because we can take advantage of a an ag tax credit. I will have our board committee meeting with these finance folks soon and I hope to get a few growly old dogs like Rick Wendorf and Lloyd Winter to hear this option and give their stamp of approval. I want all of us to be excited about making our buildings more welcoming and sprucing them up!
• Have a great rest of May and go Raider / Coyotes!