The Murray County Commissioners approved a slate of ditch inspection reports for repair. Fifteen reports came before the board with all approved except 2019-36 and 2019-37.
Inspection report 2019-45 involved Mason Township owner, Phil Gervais. The landowners is attempting to sort out possible answers for a zoning question involving a hog finishing barn, a conservation-related tree planting, a forgotten ditch tile line, and severe 2019 weather conditions.
Inspector, Travis Radke, presented a repair petition for a tile located underneath the trees that were planted by mistake on top of the system. Commissioner Jim Kluis shared the landowner wasn’t aware of the time and additionally it doesn’t show up on any of the maps.
Apparently the 100 year old time line had been overlooked at some point. However in order to repair the tile, either the trees will need to be removed or the tile line relocated.
Gervais had agreed to plant the trees as a condition for his useage permit from the zoning board. He commented, “It seems to make the most sense to take out the trees, repair the tile, and get on with life.”
The problem with that scenario is the cost for the amendment to a conditional use permit is $750.
Trees serve as a barrier for livestock barns and protecting neighbors from odors as well as providing natural habitat for wildlife.
Murray County Zoning/Environmental Administrator Jean Christoffels added that any landowner considering a conditional use request or an amendment to a permit is encouraged to talk to neighbors living in the immediate vicinity before taking a request to the county zoning office.
Heath Landsman, Chief Deputy, appeared before the board with a request to declare an Aeroflex 3920 Digital Radio Test Set and its accessories as surplus. He said the set is expensive however it is something the department doesn’t use. The board approved to place the set for sale on Ebay.
A boat and water safety grant in the amount of $4,419 was also approved. The dollars aid the department in water safety, putting buoys out as well as patrolling the waters.
Also discussed the 2019 Buffalo Ridge Task Force per capital appropriation. A lengthy discussion ensued with board members questioning the new joint power agreement and the fact they wanted to see the completed agreement before any type of appropriation would be considered. The amount requested is $32,549.40.
Lastly Landsman brought numbers before the board with his request to put in a T1 line from Slayton to Tracy. Landsman explained there continues to be issues between these two towers and feels the only way to get past this is to put in the T1 one line.
Jan Voit and Jim Buschena were on hand to discuss the Heron Lake Watershed District along with their projects and finances for the past year. One of the projects was repair of the earthen structure in Section 29 of Seward Township which began on August 27, 2018. She also explained the HLWD five-year cover crop research program. Through this program the HLWD works with four operators in Nobles, Jackson, and Murray Counties. Farm financial data, infiltration test, Haney soil test, and yields are all recorded to help determine the financial benefit, the soil benefit, and any yield increases/decreases. 2018 was the second year of the program. Additionally the HLWD conducted maintenance along Fulda Lake’s shoreline. The shoreline was cleared of buckthorn and other invasive and crowded tree species. By removing these unwanted tree species, it allows an opportunity for native trees and native grasses to grow along the shoreline and help stabilize the soil. HLWD staff partnered with the City of Fulda, MC, and local volunteers. Because of all the partners and volunteers, over 1,000 feet of shoreline was cleared in two days.
In other business the board heard from A.C.E. representatives Michelle Baumhoefner and Joyce Wiekeraad. Murray County had 386 volunteers in 2018 and over 30,000 hours served at 61 different locations around the county. The organization has started a new Dementia Awareness Network which will provide support to caregivers and those affected by memory loss.
Randy Groves along with Lisa Saner presented the Road and Bridge Fund Annual Report. A contract was signed to provide pavement striping with Traffic Marketing Service, Inc. June 18th at 10:30 a.m. was set for the bid opening for the Lime Lake Township Bridge Replacement project. Groves also informed the board the funds from FEMA still haven’t arrived.
Ronda Radke asked for the board’s approval on three hires which included Andrew Coulter, parks maintenance, Howard Konkol, parks maintenance, and Daniel Blankenship, surveying technician – all summer hires.
Jeff Erickson with KJOE/KISD explained the annual radio contract with the board. Erickson said the increase in community events and keeping the public informed in regards to the county necessitates the need for more air time. Erickson suggested increased the radio spots however by paying for the advertising upfront for the entire year there is a discount therefore only seeing a slight increase in cost. This was approved by the board.
Jean Christoffels presented the board with an updated Missouri River Watershed Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan. She requested the board’s approval to submit the plant for review to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources. Approval was given.
After recessing til 1:00 p.m, the board came back in session for a hearing on County Ditch 22. An engineer needs to be appointed to the system for the repair that will be happening. After much discussion Bill Helget with Bolton and Menk was appointed and the group also agreed to meet on June 4th to see if they could ‘mediate a solution’ with both parties.