Urban Plunge

Submitted article by the Youth at First Presbyterian Church, Fulda

“We took a plunge – an urban plunge into the poorest areas of Omaha, Nebraska to serve those less fortunate than us.

The 7th and 8th grade confirmands of First Presbyterian learned that it is not enough to just have faith, but that we need to put that faith into action by serving others. During Friday, August 9 through Sunday, August 11 this group of kids and four 6th graders did just that.

Once we made plans to take the short trip, we started collecting personal hygiene items to make up gift bags for the homeless. The goal we set for our Vacation Bible School families was 25. Our church family and friends contributed so generously that we ended up with over 40 gift bags.

Our first service project on Friday in Omaha was setting up tables near the Sienna Francis House homeless shelters that house over 80 women and more than 240 men. We served lemonade, ice water, fruit snacks and granola bars to many of the residents and visitors in the area. We handed out the gift bags to many who were so grateful to have these items that they could call their own, rather than just using what was provided for them in the shelter. 

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