Commissioners discuss financing new HVAC system for courts and government center

Heidi Winter, auditor-treasurer, addressed the board with a proposal in how to finance the upgrades to the HVAC in the government center and court building. Dunham, Inc. prepared an engineering study in regards to the proposal.

Currently Winter is anticipating a 5.5 percent increase in the county’s levy. She is waiting on a couple items from proposed budgets to get the final figures. The commissioners have until September 30 to have a preliminary levy put in place.

She presented documentation with amounts budgeted in 2019. Two hundred thousand was budgeted for this current year for improvements in the courts building as well as $25,000 for general improvements. The 2020 budgets show $68,000 for the HVAC for courts building and $518,750 for the government center. Additionally, 25 percent was added into this number for contingencies, extras, etc. She stated with the amount budgeted the project needs $362,000 of ‘new’ money. Winter reminded the board currently there is half-million dollars ear-marked for capital improvements. This amount, according to Winter, would cover the entire improvement bill without levying any money to cover the project. Currently $250,000 is assigned to the 2020 budget to be used for capital improvements. She explained the board has the option to not include this amount in their 2020 budget or include, which in essence, replaces half of the half-million currently in place.

Thiner commented on some of the items in the buildings are 40-45 years old with life expectancy normally rated at 20-25 years. He raised the question as to how much the board wishes to do including removing the solar panels, digging up the tank, replacing air conditioning units. Thiner also recommended to switching to natural gas. He explained the work would need to be done in April, May or June as there wouldn’t be any heat or cooling while the work is being completed. Thiner feels there is an urgency to get the ball moving and get the contractors in place in order to have this accomplished.

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