Fulda District #505 Superintendent
Greetings from the Fulda School. I wish all of you a great lead up to Christmas and a very special day on the 25th!
The annual Truth in Taxation meeting was held Monday, December 9th, and a lengthy discussion was held regarding how much to increase the levy for the 2020-2021 school year.
Some areas of the district saw big increases in value of residential homestead while the farmland saw a small decrease.
A 9 percent increase was the limit given by the State of Minnesota.
A 4 percent levy increase was decided upon by the board.
Fulda has a higher levy per pupil than their neighbors.
Farming had a tough year but the board understands that it’s better to have small increases every year verses a huge jump.
Taxpayers have amazing support in this district and the board appreciates the support and respects the fact that taxes have spiked in some parts of the district.