St. Paul’s Lutheran School students learn about the election


Students atst-pauls-voting-4722 St. Paul’s Lutheran School have been learning about this year’s election and what it means to be a candidate for election. They have studied the presidential candidates and  were given a taste of what it is like to cast their ballot at the polling place. A voting booth, created by teacher Joyce Den Hartog provided the students privacy to cast their ballots.

School administrator, Sherri Boehnke, registered each voter and explained about their official State General Election Ballot and what the process of voting involved.

Also on the students’ ballot was their choice of an amendment where they could vote for ten minutes extra of recess one morning or a snack of doughnuts for one morning.

When all of the votes were counted, Donald Trump was the students’ presidential candidate for choice and the students chose ten minutes of extra recess.

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