November 15, 2016 8:30 a.m. Pursuant to notice, the Murray County Board of Commissioners convened with the following members present: Commissioners Moline, Jens, Magnus, Kluis and Thiner. Also present Aurora Heard and Travis Smith
MSP to approve the agenda as modified.
MSP to approve consent agenda items 1 & 2.
MSP and carried that all claims as presented were approved for payment. The Chairman was authorized to sign the Audit List dated 11-15-2016 with fund totals as follows and warrants numbered
County Revenue Fund 79,323.24
County Road & Bridge Fund 22,589.31
EDA 293.79
Ditch 1,908.53
Health Insurance 668.00
Hospital 46.00
Sunrise Terrace 784.84
SAWSD 148.00
Total 105,761.71
MSP to approve ditch contractor bills for County Ditches No. 7, 30, 43B, 72, 87 and Judicial Ditches No. 3, 6, 8, 20 and admin. Totaling $ 19,538.56
MSP to dispose of two buses vehicle number 1FDXE45S95HA93896 and 1FDXE40S6WHB97156 on E-Bay.
MSP to approve withdrawing Petition #2016-073, JD 20: 33 Bondin Twp., District 5-Thiner.
MS to table ditch petition #2016-074, CD 6: 13 Cameron Twp., District 2-Moline until it can be investigated more.
MSP to table ditch petition #2016-068, JD 14, 25 Chanarambie Twp., District 2-Moline.
MSP to approve ditch inspection report for County Ditches No. 42, 61, 73(2), 75, and Judicial Ditches No. 10, 20.
MSP to approve purchasing and authorize the Sheriff sign the Zuercher software agreement in the amount of: $32,500 in 2016 from account code: 01-283-6452 (E-911 funds) with the remaining balance to be paid from the Sheriff’s Office budget in 2017.
MSP to approve and authorize the Board Chair, Sheriff and County Coordinator sign a Coroner Contract with Dr. Michael B. McGee, M.D. effective through December 31, 2017.
Open Forum/Public Comment – No members of the public were present.
MSP to approve sending a letter to Darrel Hungerford regarding the Soil and Water lease.
MSP to approve purchasing and authorizing the Board Chair sign a purchase plan for a Kinola Minolta C458 Color Document System in the amount of $11,444.00 from account code 01-062-6650 for the Extension Office.
MSP to approve promoting Darren Saner to the Lead Mechanic position effective January 1, 2017, at $23.31 per hour.
MSP to approve the updated mechanic position description.
MSP to approve beginning the recruitment process for the highway mechanic position.
MSP to approve any Commissioner attend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan meeting at 7:00 p.m. on November 17, 2016.
MSP to approve the Commissioner Vouchers for the period of October 23, 2016 to November 5, 2016.
The meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Aurora Heard,
County Coordinator
A complete copy of these proceedings will be posted for 1 month at the Murray County Government Center, Slayton, MN.
And is also available at www.murray-countymn.com