Minnesota Farmers Union sponsoring Loving It Local – Thursday, March 23rd

Minnesota Farmers Union is sponsoring a local foods event  supporting local foods education on Thursday, March 23rd. The event is being hosted by the River City Eatery, located at 344 Tenth Street, Windom, MN.

Social hour will be from 6 to 6:30 p.m. and is sponsored by Ted Winter Insurance Agency. A three-course meal will be served  from 6:30 – 7: 30 p.m. The meal will be sourced in part from local farmers.

During dinner, a program will be held wherein the diners will meet the chef, Mari Harries, owner of River City Eatery. They will also meet the farmers who helped supply the food.

Tickets to the event are $25.00, and are available at River City Eatery and Farmers Union Insurance, Windom.

Funds raised during this event will go toward a Local  Foods Youth Education Event which will be held during the summer of 2017. Area youth  will be invited to the event, which will focus cooking and using locally grown foods for meals. Youth will also learn about the importance of farmers in Minnesota.