50 years ago
Thursday, November 9, 1967
Filings closed for the five city council positions on November 5th. Filing were Philp Fury, Leo Leinen and Rich Gilberston. Filing for Constable was Emil Sell; for Justice of the Peace was E. W. Beckman; Treasurer A. H. Bodelson. The Fulda Village Election will be held December 5th.
Monday morning the Fulda Fire Department answered an early morning call at the Stewart Daly farm north of Lime Creek were extensive damage was done to the tractor which somehow started on fire. Nothing else burnt.
Tuesday’s fire call was at the Henry Bruns home where a small building at the rear of the home caught fire from some burning leaves.
Mrs. Emaline Loosbrock and Mr. Wilfred Mahon were united in marriage on October 28th at St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church with Rev. Edward Scheuring officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Ludewig are the parents of a son, Thomas, born Thursday, November 2nd. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herb Baumgard.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fazendin on November 8th.
The Junior Class will present “Reserve Two For Murder” in the high school auditorium.
The Sweet Skippers Diet Club will meet November 9th at the home of Mrs. Connie Knorr.
Future Fulda Citizens include Barbara, Bradley, Daniel, Michael, and Monte Beckmann; Kevin, Brenda, Cynthia, and Lisa Schipper; Lynne, James, David, and John Buschena.
Pete Bodelson and O. E. Jorgenson were surprised on Monday while fishing off Pete’s doc. Jorgenson thought he had caught a large fish only to find a muskrat on his hook. Pete used a stick to kill the muskrat to get the hook out of his mouth.
Lyle Beeck topped the charts in bowling this week with a 245, both Leroy Lanoue and Marv Heinrichs rolled a 235.
John Buschena purchased and restored a 1880 J. I. Case Agitator Thresher which he first worked on in 1905 as a boy of thirteen years. The machine is 87 years old.
30 years ago
Wed., November 11, 1987
MaryAnn Boom and Mary Hogan were presented the Bishop’s Medal at Sunday’s Mass at St. Gabriel’s Church by Bishop Vlazny.
Fulda Independent Coop holds annual meeting and re-elects Bill Gehl and Charles Friese.
Wood Duck Festival set for July 8, 9, and 10.
Tom and Elaine Probst of Probst Jewelry donated a 44-piece set of Stainless Steel Flatware (service for eight) and the wooden storage chest to the New Dawn Home in Fulda.
Cory Czepa will make a trip to Rosemount this weekend to compete in the Punt, Pass, Run contest sponsored by the Jaycees.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dittman are proud to announce the birth of a baby girl, Rebekah, born October 29th. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Beerman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dittman.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoekstra are proud to announce the arrival of their son, Alex on October 2nd. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. John Hoekstra.
Ann H. Hyslop passed away on November 2nd at the age of 90 years old.
Raymond Johnson passed away on November 5th at the age of 76 years old.
Did you know most rabbits are nocturnal creatures, preferring to eat and play from dusk until dawn. During the day they rest and sleep.
20 years ago
Wed., November 5, 1997
A project called “Kinds can Make A Difference” had students from St. Paul’s Lutheran School picking up debris int he Fulda City Park on Wednesday afternoon.
Irene Erickson and Ruth Amundson played active roles in the military during their years of service; Erickson enlisted in the Army Nurse Crops and Amundson served with the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps.
The Fulda City Council had a heated discussion at their regular meeting with members of the city street crew and police in regards to the winter parking ban. At present the ordinance allows for 2” of snow before a vehicle becomes obstruction to snow removal.
Three Fulda members receive the American FFA Degree; Corey Boehnke, Joe Biren, and Brian Cuperus.
Bob Howe Sr., former Fulda banker, dies at the age of 89 years old, on November 3rd.
Fred Evers, age 90, passed away October 30th.
Funeral services were held for Marie Golda on October 31st.
Ramerth’s Pumpkin Contest winners announced. Under six winners were Cole Dierks, Trent Kramer, Tessa Kramer, Amanda Wilkening and Cassie Wilkening. Age 6-12; Nikki Gunderman, Phillip Uttech and Emily Klein. Teens; Wendy Wildfeuer. Adult Teresa Hamman, Teresa Johnson and Roger Wildfeuer.
Fifth grade students at the Fulda Elementary School present “The Timid Little Witch” for parents and grandparents.
Citizens of Tomorrow include Hayley Grams; Tabitha, Tiffany and Brooke Zins; Sarah, Brianna, and Lorisa Kruse; and Ciara Bents.
Mayor Mary Magnus signs the proclamation for National Family Month with Wilma Lindquist.
“The hardest thing in life to learn is which bridge to cross and which to burn,” Dale Kirsch, High School Principal.