St. Paul’s Lutheran School students share the “Gift from the Manger”

On Wednesday, December 13th at 7pm, the St. Paul’s Lutheran School students performed “Gifts from the Manger” for their Christmas Service.

The service focused on the 9 gifts that Jesus gives us throughout our lives.  He gives us the gift of: a heavenly king, The Word, life, love, hope, joy, light, and peace.

Each of these gifts were represented in the service by the Preschoolers bringing up a wrapped gift with the word of the gift on it.

Songs and recitations were song by all the students as well.  The preschool and Kindergarten classes sang “Away in the Manger”, while the Kindergarten thru 6th grade sang songs like “It’s Christmas Time” and “Shine, Jesus, Shine”.

All of the students and staff did a great job at reminding us what the true meaning of Christmas is and the gifts that we receive from that tiny baby born in a manger, Jesus Christ!