By: Sheila Crowley
Staff writer
The Murray County commissioners met in regular session last Tuesday. One of the items on the agenda was organizational structure and revised budget of the sheriff’s department.
Sheriff Telkamp appeared before the board on January 24th with his idea of how to structure the department. The budget scenarios are to move one sheriff’s office deputy from 350 hours to 2100 hours and increase salaries for one lieutenant, one investigator and one Buffalo Ridge Task Force/investigator, The structure raised the current budget by $62,668.04.
Telkamp worked with Heidi Winter, Murray County Auditor/Treasurer. Winter said the scenarios were not created with exact dollar amounts… just ranges. However, she worked with Chris Lewis to come up with what they believe to best the wage amount and according to Winter and Lewis are probably a little high on the wage estimates. Five proposals were presented at the last meeting. An increase in the budget of $119,760.20 is offset by a decrease in part-time wages ($8,386.00), suspending the drug dog program ($58,073.60), care and maintenance of drug dog ($7,643.10), PERA ($10,646.11), Medicare ($952.89). Additional increases include PERA ($18,042.62), Medicare ($1,614.92) employer contribution to insurance ($7,570.20) and employer contribution to veba ($1,381.80) for an overall net budget increase of $62,668.04.
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