By Norma Dittman
Fulda Free Press staff writer
Fulda High School Speech team member, Frances Piper, competed at the state tournament held at Apple Valley, MN, this past weekend. She performed in the Original Oratory category, presenting The Blame Game and earned fourth place out of 24 participants.
Piper has been in Speech for five years and attended the state tournament four of those years. During the first two years of being a speech team member, she went to the state tournament for her performance in the Informative category. The past two years she has earned state tournament placement through the Original Oratory category. During her years at state tournament, Piper placed 11th, 6th, and 9th overall.
Throughout the four years, she has won 17 varsity tournament and three junior high tournaments.
Piper is a junior at Fulda High School. Her coaches are Chris Bambrick and Jessica Mitchell.