Pickings from the Past 8-1-2018

45 years ago

Thursday, August 2, 1973

Ball players, friends, relatives and admirers paid tribute to a former Fulda and Montgomery baseball great at Frank Wisdorf Appreciation Night held at the Monty Diamond on Friday, July 27th.

The railroad crew recently replaced their building wet of the depot and hauled the old one out to be demolished.

Hidden cases of high blood pressure in Murray County sought out for correction by Dr. Dean Nywall, County Health Officer.

The Murray County Historical Society will hold an open house at the new building on the County Fair Grounds on August 5th.

Revisions in the littering law have been made by the 1973 legislature broadening the meaning of littering and making it a misdemeanor with a fine of $300.00. Previously the fine was $100.00.

Work on the corn processing plant in Fulda is well on its way. The leg now stands 90 feet and will measure 125 feet when completed. The corn dryer beside it will be 75 feet high.

Mrs. Carol Phelps remains hospitalized following the boating accident on July 6th.

Barbara DeWall and Bradley Brinkman were united in marriage on July 20th at the First Methodist Church in Jackson.

Rita Kunerth and Steven Welsh were married in Worthington on Saturday at St. Mary’s  Church.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Oberlie are happy to announce the birth of a baby girl, Shannon, born June 29th. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Scott and Herb Oberlie.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Welling are  the proud parents of a baby, Donald Roger, born July 25th. Grandparents are Orville and Verda Welling and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benkowski.

Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Ramola are happy over the arrival of their 16 month old son from Korea they have named David. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Ramola Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dorpinghaus are the parents of a daughter, Patricia, born July 24th.

Clara Parker passed away at the age of 96 years old on July 18th.

30 years ago

Wednesday, August 3, 1988

The water ban in the city of Fulda will continue but it will be possible to water small trees and shrubs.

The Fulda Police Department, the Fulda Fire Department and the Fulda Ambulance were at the scene of an accident at the junction of Highways 59 & 62 on July 27 where vehicles driven by Donna Sauer and James Gehl received extensive damage.

Nothing Days was a great success despite the heat of the weekend. Little Miss Alaina Paplow and Mister Ryan Olsem did their best to keep their smiles on during the parade.

Its fair time and the Paul and Janet Kirchner family of Dundee are busy at their sewing machines. Four of the six Kirchner children, Claudette, Patty, Jacob and Jocile, will show clothing in  the 4-H Fashion Revue.

Hot and dry conditions affect crops in Murray County as fields in the area are showing the stress of the extreme heat.

Les and Jackie Getting are the proud parents of a daughter, Ashley, born August 1st. Grandparents are Eldy and Janice Quarnstrom and Lee and Lyla Getting.

Vern and Nellie Pals to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house and dance on August 13th.

20 years ago

Wednesday, August 5, 1998

Dennis Warner performed a Kid’s Concert at the Fulda City Hall on July 28th.

The City of Fulda hired a new police officer, Paul Kenney, originally from Redwood Falls and currently living in Coon Rapids. Kenney will begin his employment on August 10, 1998.

Progress on the St. Paul Ave project came close to a halt on Monday due to heavy rains on Sunday which made for NO major digging. Local businesses are beginning to feel the crunch and are planning a few special events including Good Times Bar Taco Tuesday and Fulda Cafe’s Back Yard Picnic. Please patronize all local businesses.

A new well is being dug in Fulda as part of the 1998 street project. The 400 foot well is expected to upgrade the drinking water system in Fulda.

Elementary Principal Russell Lofthus resigns. The vacant position is being advertised.

Myron Ruesch and Bobbi Wittry announce their engagement. An August 22nd wedding is planned.

Please send Tillie a Card! Tillie Johnson is celebrating her 80th birthday on August 12, 1998.

Neil Brower passed away at the age of 36 years old on July 10th.

Ralph Hendricksen passed away on July 28th at the age of 82 years old.

Fulda Community Education along with Prairie Fire Children’s Theatre presented their production of ‘Alladin’ last week.