Fulda School Board – High school reunion weekend planned

The Fulda School Board met Monday, October 8. The consent agenda Included hotdish suppers, long-term substitute and FFA fundraisers was approved.

Mike Pagel, K-12 Principal, reported current high school enrollment at 151. The first of three performance evaluations for six of our seven probationary teachers have been completed.

Grant Harms, Assistant Elementary Principal, reported enrollment at 195 for the elementary. Three fire drills, one evacuation drill and one lockdown drill have been completed so far this year. Preschool training will start October 26.

Colby Pack, Athletic Director, recommended Doug White as junior high girls basketball coach and Nick Henning as assistant wrestling coach both were approved. Pack said there is a high school reunion weekend planned for around January 24 and 25th. He spoke of the Parade of Lights and possibly a pool night, getting the community involved at the school. The History Center for the school was talked about as a strong possibility.

Loy Woelber, Superintendent spoke about the administration structure working very well and complemented Mike Pagel’s experience and work ethics and Grant Harms connection to the elementary. He addressed the water issues on the north side of the high school and the possibility of being able to correct some of them. He also talked about the two pine trees in the front of the elementary that could be removed. It would improve the looks, lighting and heat of the elementary building. He wants to get another ELL licensed teacher. Finding a current teacher willing to have their tuition paid to be on board for K-12 students would be an asset.

The board approved K-12 principal contract with Mike Pagel for the school district for next year. A contract for assistant elementary principal for Grant Harms was approved for the following year.

In new business the board approved the World’s Best Workforce Plan for Fulda ISD 505. The new Coyote fight song was approved. The resignation of Andrew Olson was accepted and a new wrestling coach will be sought.