Jerry’s Jottings 11-14-2018

The weather has been cold and with the wind it’s been noticeably cold. It was one of those days sitting in my deer stand as the sun was setting that my ten point large buck came down the trail. I waited until it was at 15 yards and dropped it. Field dressing the animal in the cold wind was difficult but fortunately I’d had excellent help. The Rhino was parked twenty feet away and we were able to back up almost to the buck for loading. It was a good season. In total we hunted for four days out of the nine day season and all of them were cold and windy, some more than others. Without help, I would have had an impossible time.

The weather will warm this week, above freezing, for a few days. That might give us a chance to get rid of some leaves. I’m behind in the fall chores like most years, but I can catch up with a little help from Mother Nature. The abundant crop of leaves blessed our yard and seem to be knee deep but I could be exaggerating. There will be no more mowing grass this year.

Veterans Day ceremonies in our area were very much appreciated. I attended the one at the Fulda High School. The students put on the program which was a solemn, entertaining and a timely gift. Area schools lead their communities in awareness of the need for remembrance.

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My Old Aunt Says  ~ My stomach is FLAT, the L is just silent.

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Have a good week.