March 7, 2017, 8:30 a.m. Pursuant to notice, the Murray County Board of Commissioners convened with the following members present: Commissioners Magnus, Jens, Kluis and Thiner. Also present Aurora Heard and Travis Smith. Excused Absence: Commissioner Gunnink.

MSP to approve the agenda as modified.

MSP to approve consent agenda item 1.

MSP and carried that all claims as presented were approved for payment. The Chairman was authorized to sign the Audit List dated March 7, 2017 with fund totals as follows and warrants numbered 152253 – 152335:

County Revenue Fund 69,430.38

County Road & Bridge Fund 8,174.23

EDA 176.00

Ditch 200.60

Self Insurance 86.05

Sunrise Terrace 2,260.28

SAWSD 154.00

Total 80,481.54

MSP to approve ditch contractor bills for County Ditches No. 34, 40, 43A, 43B, 43M totaling $3,000.00.

MSP to set a hearing for a redetermination of benefits for CD 40 and CD 43 A, B and M for 11:00 a.m. on April 4, 2017.

MSP to approve beginning the recruitment process for the following seasonal positions: Highway Surveying, Museum Assistants, and Parks Maintenance.

MSP to approve Conditional Use Permit #1332 for Andrew and Krista Kopperud to expand an existing vineyard/winery from a small farm winery to a large farm winery in the Shoreland Special Protection District on 16.27 acres in the E ½ NE ¼, Section 18 Dovray Township, with the three special conditions recommended by the Planning Commission.

MSP to approve Conditional Use Permit #1331 (Jon Beeck was also present), for Beeck’s Gravel & Excavating to open and operate a gravel pit in the Agriculture, Shoreland Special Protection and Floodplain Distrcts in SE ¼, Section 1, Belfast Township, with the eight special conditions recommended by the Planning Commission.

MSP to approve Conditional Use Permit #1330 (Jeremy Steinle was also present), for Jeremy Steinle to open and operate a dog kennel and training/boarding business in the Agriculture District on 10.79 acres in the SW ¼ NW ¼, Section 35, Lowville Township, with the three special conditions recommended by the Planning Commission.

MSP to approve and authorize the Board Chair sign the School Purchase agreement, with the changes drafted by the County Attorney.

Open Forum/Public Comment- No members of the public were present.

MSP Resolution 2017-03-07-01, Resolution Closing Board Meeting

MSP to approve coming out of closed session.

MSP Resolution 2017-03-07-02, Resolution Terminating a Probationary Employee.

Chairman Kluis called the Public Hearing for the CD 61 Final Acceptance Hearing to order.

Chairman Kluis opened the public comment period.

Chairman Kluis closed the public hearing.

MSP that the following conditions have been met and to proceed filing an order as such: That notice of the hearing had been given properly pursuant to M.S. § 103E.555; That the contract price, the amount paid on the contract and the unpaid balance were consistent with the contract and various statutes and regulations relative to county ditch construction; That the work performed under the contract was completed consistent with the contract; That the unpaid balance of the construction contract shall be paid by the County Auditor, less a $2500 holdback retainage amount until the following items have been completed: Lowering and relocating the intake further north on Carl Hennager property (Section 12-Bondin Township), Finish the remaining grading and seeding on 0.2 acres around the intake on the north side of 41st Street, Removing barriers and completing the proper paperwork with the MPCA permitting, Retainage amount includes $500 damage payment the ditch system will pay to Pat Paplow for damage to trees in Section 13-Bondin Township

The hearing was adjourned.

Chairman Kluis called the Public Hearing to order for the removal of property from the Judicial Ditch No. 2.

Chairman Kluis opened the public comment period. There were no comments from the public.

Chairman Kluis closed the public comment period.

MSP that the following has occurred and to file an order in the ditch records as such: Waters from six properties in Section 15 and 16 of Lime Lake Township have been diverted from the Judicial Ditch No. 2 drainage system into County Ditch No. 35; The properties are not benefitted by Judicial Ditch No. 2; That removing the properties from Judicial Ditch No. 2 will not prejudice the property owners and property remaining in the Judicial Ditch No. 2 system.

The public hearing was closed.

MSP to approve adding an update regarding weed spraying of ditches to the agenda.

The meeting was adjourned.

ATTEST: Aurora Heard,

County Coordinator

A complete copy of these proceedings will be posted for 1 month at the Murray County Government Center, Slayton, MN.

And is also available at www.murraycountymn.com.