January 17, 2017 8:30 a.m. Pursuant to notice, the Murray County Board of Commissioners convened with the following members present: Commissioners Gunnink, Jens, Thiner, and Kluis. Also present Aurora Heard, Heidi Winter, and Travis Smith. Excused Absence: Commissioner Magnus

MSP to approve the agenda as modified.

MSP to approve consent agenda item 1.

MSP and carried that all claims as presented were approved for payment. The Chairman was authorized to sign the Audit List dated January 17, 207 with fund totals as follows and warrants numbered 151868 – 151937:

County Revenue Fund 63,178.73

County Road & Bridge Fund 21,725.51

EDA 200.00

Health Insurance 89.70

Sunrise Terrace 1,749.78

SAWSD 54.00

Total 87,097.72

MSP to approve ditch contractor bills for County Ditches No. 6(2), 40, 43A, 43B, 43M, 61 and Judicial Ditches No. 8(2), 19(2), 20A(2) and admin totaling $13,711.85.

MSP to approve cancelling the County Board meeting on February 21, 2017 and rescheduling it to February 14, 2017.

MSP to approve tabling the purchase of the John Deere yard tractor and have the Building Committee review it.

MSP to approve the 2017 Law Enforcement Agreements with the cities of Avoca, Chandler, Currie, Lake Wilson and Iona, further moving to authorize the Sheriff, Board Chair and Auditor-Treasurer to sign the agreements on behalf of the County and also further moving that approval is subject to receipt of a fully executed agreement and payment received from each respective city.

MSP to approve Pay Application No. 3 (Final) to Granite City Roofing, Inc. for the Government Center Roof Project in the amount $7,856.54.

MSP to approve an expenditure of $9,193.25 to Len’s Awning and Canvas to replacing the two solar panel curtains on the government center. Voting in Favor: None. Opposed: Thiner, Gunnink, Jens, and Kluis. Motion failed 4 to 0.

MSP to approve purchasing a trailer from Dierk’s Trailer Sales in the amount of $6,900 plus tax and license fees for storing mattresses.

MSP to approve setting the fee for recycling a mattress and box spring at $3.00 above the disposal cost per item.

MS to approve allowing Soil and Water to remain on the county email address until the current licenses expire.

MS to table the motion until James Reinert can be present. Motion failed.

MSP to amend the pending motion to allow Soil and Water to maintain county email addresses and software subscriptions, they will be billed annually, and for the county Network Administrator to provide Network support billed at an hourly rate including hourly rate of pay, PERA, FICA and health insurance.

MSP to approve a contract with David Drown Associates for a compensation/classification study as amended furthermore authorizing the Board Chair and County Coordinator sign the agreement.

MSP to approve any Commissioner to attend the Legislative Roundtable Meeting at 10:00 a.m. on February 10th, 2017, at the 4-H building.

MSP to approve appointing John Risacher to the Board of Adjustment.

MSP to approve setting a special meeting for Monday January 30th at 2:00 p.m. at the MCMC Dining Room for the Community Health Assessment Survey Results.

MSP to approve hiring Jason Wentzel as a Part time Recycling Center Worker.

MSP to approve a Preferred One Amendment regarding coupons and prescriptions.

MSP to approve the Commissioner Vouchers for the period of January 1, 2017 to January 14, 2017.

The meeting was adjourned.

ATTEST: Aurora Heard,

County Coordinator

A complete copy of these proceedings will be posted for 1 month at the Murray County Government Center, Slayton, MN.

And is also available at www.murray-countymn.com.

S, 2/1/2017