September 3, 2019 8:30 a.m. Pursuant to notice, the Murray County Board of Commissioners convened with the following members present: Commissioners Gunnink, Jens, Kluis, Thiner, and Welgraven. Also present were Thomas Burke, Travis Smith, and Amy Rucker.

MSP to approve the agenda as modified.

MSP to remove item numbers 2 and 5 from the consent agenda.

MSP to approve consent agenda item numbers 1, 3, and 4.

Open Forum – There was no one present for Open Forum.

MSP and carried that all claims as presented were approved for payment. The Chairman was authorized to sign the Audit List dated September 3, 2019 with fund totals as follows and warrants numbered 159987 through 160038:

County Revenue Fund/General 61,083.65

County Road & Bridge Fund 19,379.29

Self-Insurance 625.00

Sunrise Terrace 2,983.93

Total 84,071.87

MSP to approve Pay Application No. 3 to Cooreman Contracting, Inc. for the Judicial Ditch No. 3 Improvement Project in the amount $215,052.24.

MSP to approve the ditch inspection report for County Ditch No. 59 and Judicial Ditch No. 2.

MSP to approve the Planning Commission’s recommendation and findings to amend Conditional Use Permit #1295 for Last Chance Auto Parts (NE1/4 NE1/4, Section 28, Belfast Township) by keeping Special Condition #12 as previously written, and to increase the number of vehicles stored outside not to exceed 250. The County Board also requested that Mr. Mitchell provide the County with a copy of his October inspection report from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and provide a written report to the Murray County Environmental Services Office within three months per Special Condition #12 and then by March 1 of each subsequent year.

MSP Resolution 219-09-03-01, Murray County Driver’s License Agent Appointment.

MSP to approve the purchase of materials for a privacy fence for the racetrack at the fairgrounds at a cost of $7,754.88.

MSP to allow the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to inspect boats at fishing tournament on Lake Sarah on September 21, further moving to authorize County Administrator Thomas Burke to sign an agreement allowing the inspection.

MSP to approve committing a $200,000 grant from the Murray County Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund to Lismore Coop Telephone Company’s Murray County Broadband Project, further moving that the $25,000 budgeted appropriation for 2019 be transferred to the loan fund.

Public Hearing for Redetermination of Benefits for County Ditch No. 63, 67, 75 and Judicial Ditch No. 10. Pursuant to notice given, the Drainage Authority Board for Murray County Ditches. 63, 67, 75 and Judicial Ditch 10 met to receive the Viewer’s Reports and consider approval of a Redetermination of Benefits on said drainage systems. The following members present: Murray County Commissioners – Jens, Gunnink, Welgraven, Kluis and Thiner. Also present were Heidi E. Winter, Travis Radke, Travis Smith, John Schueller, Kevin Vickerman and Luke Olson, Ditch Viewers; 2 Landowners.

County Attorney Travis Smith reviewed the purpose of the hearing.

Auditor-Treasurer Heidi Winter reported that the notice requirements are met. The Ditch Viewers gave an overview of the Viewer’s Reports.

The Ditch Viewers presented the Viewer’s Report for the Redetermination of Benefits for County Ditch 63, reporting 815.43 benefited acres, potential benefits of $1,060,024.65 and net benefits of $464,474.58.

The floor was opened for public comment. No comments were given.

MSP to accept the Ditch Viewers Report for the Redetermination of Benefits for County Ditch 63 because the following items have been met: The Viewer’s Report is made and other proceedings completed under M.S. §103E; The report is complete and correct; The damages and benefits have been properly determined with 815.43 benefited acres and net benefits of $464,474.58.

The Ditch Viewers presented the Viewer’s Report for the Redetermination of Benefits for County Ditch 67, reporting 1,864.54 benefited acres, potential benefits of $2,533,856.24 and net benefits of $975,922.94.

The floor was opened for public comment – David Schwartz

MSP to accept the Ditch Viewers Report for the Redetermination of Benefits for County Ditch 67 because the following items have been met: The Viewer’s Report is made and other proceedings completed under M.S. §103E; The report is complete and correct; The damages and benefits have been properly determined with 1,864.54 benefited acres and net benefits of $975,922.94.

The Ditch Viewers presented the Viewer’s Report for the Redetermination of Benefits for County Ditch 75, reporting 1,483.55 benefited acres, potential benefits of $1,485,511.39 and net benefits of $802,381.88.

The floor was opened for public comment. No comments were given.

MSP to accept the Ditch Viewers Report for the Redetermination of Benefits for County Ditch 75 because the following items have been met: The Viewer’s Report is made and other proceedings completed under M.S. §103E; The report is complete and correct; The damages and benefits have been properly determined with 1,483.55 benefited acres and net benefits of $802,381.88.

The Ditch Viewers presented the Viewer’s Report for the Redetermination of Benefits for Judicial Ditch 10, reporting 5,802.50 benefited acres, potential benefits of $8,932,718.85 and net benefits of $4,800,669.72.

The floor was opened for public comment. No comments were given.

MSP to accept the Ditch Viewers Report for the Redetermination of Benefits for Judicial Ditch 10 because the following items have been met: The Viewer’s Report is made and other proceedings completed under M.S. §103E; The report is complete and correct; The damages and benefits have been properly determined with 5,802.50 benefited acres and net benefits of $4,800,669.72.

The meeting was adjourned

ATTEST: Amy Rucker,

Economic Development Director

A complete copy of these proceedings will be posted for month at the Murray County Government Center, Slayton, MN. And is also available at

www.murraycountymn.com. S, 9/25/2019