The Murray County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, September 3rd. One of the items on the agenda as funding for the Lismore Telephone Company.
Representatives from the company have visited with the county board on two separate occasions with the most recent happening on August 27th. At that time the company stated there was going to be a $200,000 funding gap between what they hope to receive from DEED and what is needed to fund their project. During that conversation the board instructed Amy Rucker, and the EDA, meet and give their recommendations. Rucker returned to the board meeting on September 3rd stating the EDA had met and recommended funding the $200,000 funding gap. “We can fill that and still have enough left over to do what’s needed with our revolving loans.”
This money is contingent on Lismore Telephone Company receiving their grant from Minnesota’s Border-to-Border.
The proposed project will help provide a much needed boost to regional broadband telecommunications across the southern portion of Murray County.
Commissioner James Jens, who also serves on the EDA board, requested the county release the budgeted amount of $25,000 for 2019 to the EDA as well as the $25,000 in 2020 – also a budgeted item. He explained this will help replenish the depleting funds.
The board voted unanimously to move forward with the grant amount of $200,000.
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