Council discusses sharing of full time police officer

The Fulda City Council met Monday, April 1, approving the agenda. There has been some communications between the Fulda and Slayton Police Departments. The idea of sharing a full time police officer at 1,040 hours each would meet the needs of both departments. The savings in cost would not be there right away, but long term it would payoff with retention. Part time officers leave after a few years of experience to gain a full time job. The meeting will be scheduled this month.

The Baltimore Ave sewer project between 4th and 6th Streets was discussed. The low bid of $176,489.39 was accepted from GM Contracting Company, Inc., Lake Crystal, MN. The project will start in April, weather permitting, and take about three weeks.

A request by the Murray Soil and Water Conservation District to have the City of Fulda delegate the authority and administrative responsibilities to implement the rules of the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act was made. A resolution would need to be passed by the Fulda Council to implement WCA as the local government unit within the legal boundaries of the City of Fulda. The council tabled the resolution until the April 16 meeting.

Spring clean-up was set for May 21.

Pyrotechnics application for fireworks at the Fulda Wood Duck Festival was approved.

A Conditional Use Permit was requested for Stephanie Evers to have a state licensed child care center with capacity of up to 49 in a residential district at 208 3rd Street NE, in the Lutheran school. The meeting will be April 16, 6:30 p.m.

A building permit was approved for Troy Lang to build a garage.

Stacy Grothe was present with questions on their sewer. Mayor Chad Ouellette said that all the televised tapes of the city sewer main showed no blockage but their line showed several blockages and a dip in the line. It will be their expense to repair it.

The next regular meeting will be May 6.