County employees recognized for years of service

After approval of the warrants and ditch bills, the commissioners heard from Stan Kramer, Fulda, in regards to CD 61 and the decrease in yields since the improvement on his land located in Bondin Township, northwest quarter, section 13. According to him he received the same compensation as everyone. Ditch inspector Radke commented there was an extra $4,000 and the VR said $3,000 so Radke wasn’t sure if there was any extra. Kramer said it was for a two year period. Radke explained the actual construction was in 2016 and finished it in early 2017 with Kramer able to harvest his crop in 2017. Kramer said the outlet is to the west of his property. He shared, “By not crossing the highway they could gain a hundred and some thousand dollars plus gain 50% efficiency over going the other way. I thought sure…I’d get tile on my land but it turns out it’s all non-perforated so it does me no good.” Commissioner Kluis asked if the lack of top soil was a result of the tile or the ditch of which Kramer said. “ditch”.

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