Maple Lawn Senior Care’s Activity Room was buzzing with anticipation as almost twenty resident gathered together to decorate sugar cookies for their buddies.
The cookies had been baked by the dietary staff at Maple Lawn. Frosting colors were mixed by Activities Assistant Kelly Felber. There was blue, red, orange, purple, green and more for the decorators to choose from. Along with that, jars of colored sugars and sprinkles were placed in the center of the table to be used.
The excitement of decorating Christmas sugar cookies was for multiple reasons:
1) Buddy-up friends from Fulda Elementary School fifth grade were coming on Thursday for their monthly visit. Residents were delighted to be able to have cookies ready to share with their buddies.
2) Decorating Christmas cut-out cookies brought back many memories for most of those residents who had joined in the fun. One lady stated, “I was never good about making cut-out cookies for the holidays, but I was a good taste-tester!” Another said, “Oh, decorating the baked cookies was always my very favorite part of doing the Christmas baking!”
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