Discussion held regarding pairing of sports

The Fulda School Board met in regular session this past Monday evening. Amongst the order of business was the election of officers for 2018. Don Tiesler was nominated to the chair position, director salaries will remain the same, designated committees were discussed along with setting the times and dates for meeting – which will also remain the same.

A gathering of interested community members were on hand regarding the possible pairing and sharing with Heron Lake-Okabena. Colby Pack, athletic director, appeared before the board stating a meeting with students was held on Wednesday, January 3rd and that evening an informational meeting with community members. He shared a bit of history stating previous conversations had been held with Murray County Central (MCC) and Westbrook-Walnut Grove concerning the numbers for football and girls basketball. Mr. Slaathaug, Mr. Onken, and a Fulda school board representative met with MCC this past April relating to the cooping for cross country and football. During this meeting Fulda mentioned their need for football and possibly girls basketball. In this conversation, according to what Mr. Pack gathered in talking with Fulda officials, MCC basically said they didn’t want to coop because the combined enrollment would force them into a higher Minnesota State High School League class.

In August conversations with Heron Lake-Okabena began initially with both schools looking at low numbers for football. These conversations then turned to spring sports – particularly softball for HL-O, and have escalated to possibly pairing and sharing all sports with the exception of wrestling and cross country. Following Wednesday’s meeting Mr. Pack received a call from an MCC school board member. In conversation this individual basically questioned why with HL-O. Mr. Pack then made calls with previous administration to clarify communications held with MCC. In doing so, there were discrepancies between MCC and Fulda officials as to what was said. The communications were to be discussed at MCC’s regular school board meeting also held this past Monday. A document was to be prepared regarding their decision whether there is an option to pair and share with MCC.

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