Calling all readers and people interested in food! Participants are needed for the Fulda Memorial Library’s second annual Edible Book Festival on June 25th from 6-7:30 p.m. at Fulda City Hall.
What is an Edible Book Festival? Participants in the festival create edible books that are exhibited and then consumed by festival attendants. They show off culinary creativity by making something edible based on a book or a pun of a book title.
Each entry of edible art must have something to do with books: shapewise or be based on a book title, cover, or character(s). And, yes, it must be edible! There are sandwich books, rice crispy books, cakes, SPAM-books, hot-dog entries, and many more! Anything you can cook up that is book related is welcome. If you need inspiration, just do a Google search for “Edible Book Festival”.
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