Elementary student body makes goal in food drive – Staff receives pie in the face!

Last week the students at the Fulda Elementary school held their annual Holiday Food Drive and surpassed their goal of 1,200 pounds of  food by nearly 1000 pounds. Their reward was to see several staff members receive whip cream pies in the face.

Students put their name in a bucket to see who would be pulled to toss the pie for each grade level. Staff members did have the option to opt out of being a recipient of a pie. Twelve teachers, along with Principal Pagel, agreed to take the pie.

On Tuesday, in front a packed house, staff members put on their ‘plastic bag clothing protectors’ and bravely took their turn in the royal seat. Not only did they take the pie in the face but many encouraged the students to come closer or spread it around the whip cream around. As the students roared with delight at the sight of the pie faces several staff members enjoyed a taste test by licking the whip cream off their face.

A good time was had by all and the gift of giving was made real for these young students.