Ethridge designs Festival T-Shirts

By Norma Dittman

Fulda Free Press staff writer

Learning for a Lifetime is the theme of the  2018 Fulda Wood Duck Festival. T-shirts are now available for purchase at Maynards and Fulda City Hall.

Caleb Ethridge, a St. Paul’s Lutheran School student who just finished his sixth grade year,  inspired the idea for the theme and artwork on the T-shirts.  He is the son of Pastor Shawn and Davina Ethridge. Deb Bestge, chair of the committee for the  St. Paul’s Lutheran School 125th Anniversary Celebration, approached the teachers at the school requesting that students in first grade through sixth grade draw T-shirt designs using the theme Learning for a Lifetime. Caleb’s design featured a cross, added the years 1893 to 2018, and the wording St. Paul’s Lutheran School Learning for a Lifetime, as well as Fulda Wood Duck Festival 2018. Caleb’s design was chosen as the artwork for T-shirts. A modification was made to the size and length of the cross by the company that the T-shirts are ordered from.

Caleb was encouraged in his T-shirt design by his teacher, Andrea Spanovich.

As a prize for his T-shirt design, Ethridge received a free festival T-shirt.

The Fulda Wood Duck Festival Committee decided upon the colors of royal blue for the shirts, with the printing in a light golden yellow.

Sizes are available for youth, medium through extra-large, as well as XXL. Please stop at Maynards Grocery or Fulda City Hall to purchase your shirt.

Fulda Wood Duck Festival dates are Wednesday, June 13 through Sunday, June 17th.