Fulda Band and Choir take part in Large Group contest at Pipestone

Fulda High School band and choir took part in the Large Group Contest held in Pipestone on Monday, March 18th.Based on school participation in the same athletic conference,  Fulda Band tied for 2nd out of 7 bands, and Fulda Choir tied for 4th out of 8 choirs.

Fulda High School music teacher, Matt Saxman, stated, “I am very proud of how the kids did. It was a rough winter, with lots of school missed, but the groups prepared well. We are a small school, but have healthy sized music programs. It’s nice for the students to be able to take ownership of what great programs we have at Fulda High School that they can be successful in. And we continue to compete favorably with the schools of a similar size in our area.”

Of all nine school bands participating, including those with a larger student population, Fulda placed fourth. Fulda Choir ranked number six out of the ten total schools who participated in the competition.