Fulda City Council …Slayton-Fulda to share a full time police officer

The Fulda City Council met June 3 for an Audit Review followed by the regular meeting. There will be a final review coming up. No glaring problems, just some adjustments to make depending on the council’s choice. City Clerk Julie Burchill was commended by the auditor as the best city clerk they have worked with on audit preparation.

The City of Slayton has entered into an agreement with the City of Fulda on sharing a police officer. Both cities have had difficulty finding officers on a part time basis. The part time person is looking for experience and a permanent job. The city needs someone to cover vacations, sick days and other times they require another officer. The county sheriff’s office no longer provides any help. The officer will be a Slayton employee and Fulda will pay thirty percent of all expenses associated with the employee.  This will include up to 12 hours per week, health insurance, vacation, comp time and training. The agreement starts as soon as a suitable candidate can be hired.

In other business, the council talked about the Wood Duck Festival and road closings. Davis Street is in bad shape. Property east of the library will be mowed and billed to the New York company who owns it.

The Bondin Township agreement is getting closer on the gravel road south of South Lafayette. A few clarifications to settle.

Building permits were approved for J.E. Grandgeorge-replacing concrete driveway, Travis Lang-house addition, Ben Timmerman-repair existing deck, Janet Speckmeier-deck over existing steps, Lori Thiner-new deck, Mapleview Estates-patio at east entrance, Aron Fisher-concrete patio, Heidi Apple-clubhouse with deck for kids and Brett Parish-new concrete patio.

The next regular meeting will be July 1 at 6:30 p.m.