Fulda Elementary School fourth grade class presents state displays

By Norma Dittman

Fulda Free Press staff writer

Twenty-one  states were featured at a Fulda Elementary School 4th Grade State Displays on Wednesday afternoon in the school’s gymnasium.

An assignment given by teacher Leah Baumann, during the month of February,  instructed the students to choose a state that they wanted to learn about. The students researched their states. They were required to include several items for their display boards including the state seal, the date it became a state, state bird, governor, state motto, state flower, state capital, and any other interesting facts.

They wrote letters to the secretary of state within their chosen state requesting information about the state.

Mrs. Baumann said, “During the months of March and April excitement filled our room when the mail arrived each day.  Some of the items received include: a copper coin, coins with the state seal on them, a bottle with gold flakes, a pewter sculpture of a gold prospector, tee shirts with state logos, personalized letters from the secretary of state, state magazines, maps, fossils, postcards, books, a DVD, state pins, a state flag, posters, and pens.”

The students were delighted  to find that their letters had been answered, and that they would have very interesting items for their state displays.

Many of the students shared that they have relatives who live within the state they choose and those relatives responded to the assignment by sending items to them, as well.

When the doors to the State Displays opened at 2 p.m., several people came to view the students’ work, asking questions, and enjoying the snack prepared by the student for their state.

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