In conjunction with the 2018 Winter Olympics beginning last Friday, the Fulda High School students held their own competition – the first ever Rock Paper Scissors event. (No need for ice or snow!)
Gold? Well…yes! Thanks to Principal Walker the students competed for a trophy complete with a gold rock, gold paper, and a gold scissor mounted on it.
Judges? Of course. Judges wore the black and white stripes of local officials to keep track of the best 2 out of 3 games to determine who would move on to the next round.
Countries? Well, sort of, each first hour class held a week long competition in their room with the winners moving on to Friday’s Winter Olympic finals. These Rock Paper Scissors athletes were lead into the Fulda gymnasium to the playing of the National Anthem of the United States “The Star-Spangled Banner”.
The competition began at approximately 1:11 on Friday afternoon and continued for nearly 20 minutes. The entire student body (spectators) was invited to the gym to cheer on their team.
As players were eliminated the spectators became more and more boisterous as the encouraged their classmate on to the next round.
With only the final four left in Olympic play, the competition changed to the best 3 out 5 to win the match. Nathan Never Back Down Bakke faced off against Lance “I have Marked all my Opponents for Elimination” Marki while Going for the Gold Morgan Gehl took on the Ferociously Furious Fist Flying Jacob Fisher. After several paper-paper and rock-rock ties Jacob Fisher and Lance Marki won the right to compete for the Golden Trophy.
In keeping with the excitement of the Winter Olympics, the final battle came down to 2-2 with winner take all. Under close scrutiny by many Fulda Olympic judges the winner was final declared to be Lance Marki who graciously excepted the trophy for his First Hour Team.
Congratulations Lance on winning the first ever Rock Paper Scissors competition at the Fulda High School.