Fulda Lions holding membership drive May 20th

The Fulda Lions Club has been a very active service organization for many years. We have provided help and donations to many area and community organizations, along with state and national projects.

We currently have 30 members and haven’t had an active membership drive for many years. We know there are people that would like to share some of their time and talents in assisting this service organization. We hope you may be willing to join us. We regularly meet the third Monday of each month and would like to invite you to a special membership drive meeting on Monday, May 20th, to explain more in detail what the Fulda Lions Club is about. Pease be our guest as we will treat you (and your spouse) to an evening meal and a short presentation. We will meet at the Senior Citizens Center at 6:30 for a meal. Information will follow the meal. If you are unable to attend that evening we would like to have you be our guest at a future meeting.

If becoming a Lion member is possible for you please contact one of the following Lions members to reserve a table for our May 20th social evening.

Fulda Lions Membership Committee:

Marv Isder 507-360-2675, Dan Uttech 507-360-3956, or Loren Carlson 507-227-0777.