Fulda Scholarship Event

Thursday, June 13th will be the Fulda Scholarship Event with the crowning of Miss Fulda and Mr. Fulda (NEW to this year’s Fulda Wood Duck Festival!)

Coordinators Holly Rohlik and Jen Tiesler have announced that this year’s Fulda Scholarship Event will be held beginning at 5:30 p.m. in Fulda City Park. (If it rains, the event will be held at Fulda High School gymnasium.)

Judges for this year’s Miss Fulda and Mr. Fulda will be four members from the Fulda community.

Contestants for Miss Fulda will be exhibiting a display table about themselves with tables set up inside of Fulda City Hall. They will also answer a question which will be kept secret from all contestants until they are called upon to respond to it.

Contestants for Mr. Fulda will also exhibit a display table about themselves. They will be reading an essay that they have written and the judges have also had the privilege of reading.

All contestants will have a mentor and will explain why they chose that person to be their mentor.

They will also wear a self-descriptive outfit and explain how it describes their personality to the judges and the audience.

Little Miss Fulda and Little Mr. Fulda will be chosen from students in the first grade at Fulda Elementary School.

The crowned Miss Fulda and Mr. Fulda will represent the city as they ride through the Fulda Wood Duck Festival  Parade on Saturday evening.  Attending other area  celebrations will be up to the discretion of those in the royal court.

Miss Fulda and Mr. Fulda will each receive a $500.00 scholarship from the Fulda Area Community Club. The two Miss Fulda princesses and two Mr. Fulda runners-up will each receive a $250.00 scholarship.

For more information please contact Holly Rohlik or Jen Tiesler.