By Norma Dittman
Fulda Free Press staff writer
A Special School Board meeting was held Monday evening in the library of Fulda High School to accept the sudden resignation of high school principal Tyson Walker.
Following much thought and discussion amongst administration and school board members, Superintendent Loy Woelber presented hire options for consideration for replacing Mr. Walker. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously passed by the school board members to move Fulda Elementary School Principal Mike Pagel to the position of pre-school to 12th grade principal.
Grant Harms, who holds his principal certification, was voted to be moved into the position of half-time elementary principal, and half-time classroom teacher. Another motion and vote was needed, due to contract specifications, to grant Harms a half-time leave from his teaching duties so that he can also perform the duties of a principal. Harms teaches sixth grade at Fulda Elementary School.
Paula Lutz, who has been hired as the Fulda High School librarian by the school board, as well as a substitute teacher, will be teaching the literature portion of the sixth grade curriculum.
In other school board action, a motion and unanimous vote granted a medical leave for Elementary School teacher Julie Lorenz.
During open forum, Luke Isder expressed his thanks to the school board members for their dedication and work.