Fulda School District welcomes new teachers

Several new teachers will be meeting the students of Fulda School Distirct #505 when the year begins on Tuesday September 3, 2019.  Kathryn Nasby, Chelsea Noding, Heather Huset, Alli Getting, Lucas Knutson and Donna Bastemeyer-Parlin are new teachers and Shania Leinen is the new School Social Worker.

As staff prepares for the first day of school, Alli Getting and Lucas Knutson took a few minutes from their busy days to share a bit about themselves.


Alli Getting will be teaching 6th grade reading and English as a Second Language. She is a 2014 graduate of Fulda High School. Following graduation, she attended Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall, graduating in 2018.

She accomplished her student teaching at Heron Lake-Okabena School, teaching in first grade.

For one year she taught second grade at Worthington Elementary.

“An opportunity to teach in Fulda came open and I applied. This is home. I wanted to be in Fulda,” Getting stated. “I think it will be great to be teaching in Fulda and give back to the community that gave so much to me.”

Getting is married to Nathan Getting who is a 2013 graduate of Fulda High School.

The couple lives in Fulda.


Lucas Knutson joins the staff at Fulda Public Schools this year and will be teaching Physical Education and Developmental Adapted Physical Education. He will also be coaching junior high boys basketball and working with the baseball team.

Knutson is a 2005 graduate of Southwest Star Concept School, Heron Lake, MN. Following graduation he attended Minnesota West in Worthington for two years for his generals and to play baseball.

The next two years were spent working and earning funds to attend Southwest Minnesota State University, Marshall. He graduated with a double major in Physical Education and Health. His minors are coaching and Developmental Adapted Physical Education (DAPE).

Knutson student taught at both the elementary and the middle school in Worthington.

“It was a good experience as I worked with different kids of varied ages,” he stated.

For six years he taught at the Glenville-Emmons School District, working with both high school and elementary students. His duties included kindergarten through fourth and 7th through 10th physical education, as well as 10th grade health and DAPE.

“At Glenville, I started the varsity baseball program up again and I was the head baseball coach. They have been a very good team,” Knutson said.

He has been running the Summer Recreation Program in Heron Lake since 2004; and has coached the Legion Baseball team for the past five years. Knutson has also played amateur baseball for the Heron Lake Lakers since he graduated from high school. 

His parents are Les and Cheryl Knutson, Heron Lake.  He has four sibling: Lance, Chad, Chelsey and Logan, and two nephews.

  Knutson is living in Fulda.

Watch next week’s issue of the Fulda Free Press to learn about other new teachers who will be working in Fulda Schools.