Jerry’s Jotting

Summer is here, it officially started early Wednesday of this week. The weather is normal although we have had some hot dry days that were far from being called Spring-like days. Most areas have had adequate rain.

Fulda’s Wood Duck Parade was threatened with a rain out but made it through with only a few drops. Sunday had a few showers but only after everything was done. We were lucky.

We had guests for the weekend, Charlie and Pauline Hopkins. They are Minnesotans again after moving from Lancaster, Wisconsin where he just retired from the phone company. They live in Little Falls now near family. It was a good weekend.

There has been a lot of volunteer time put into the Fulda Depot and surrounding area. We are in the process of restoring the grand building that was there at the very  start of the community. There has been a lot done on this building but it now will start on a journey that could see it completely restored. A grant to start those plans has provided the strength for fulfilling a place in the city’s future. The new building has provided a space to house all of the pieces of history that has been gathered by the Fulda Heritage Society. As plans are developed that will dictate the restoration, the organization will make the changes necessary for its future.

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Wife: What is the difference between complete and finish?

Husband: When you met me, you were complete. When I met you, I was finished.”

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My doctor said he’s been practicing medicine for 30 years…

What I want to know is when will he start doing it for real?

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Have a good week!