This week is great weather for everyone. Warm, dry and summery is a great week. Some rain promised for Saturday but we will live. We spent the weekend in Minneapolis attending a piano recital at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Twenty Grand Pianos playing together at one time was impressive and the solos were awesome. Our granddaughters hours of practice paid off. Very proud of her.
East and north of here looks a little dryer and some of the crops are up and looking good. All of the creeks and rivers are running full or flooded past the banks. It’s a good year to live on a hill with your fingers crossed.
For those of you sharing some of your plants for Memorial Beach it’s looking better everyday. There was a crew planting and weeding this past weekend and will be continuing into the future. There is a still a need for additional plants.
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My Old Aunt Says
Most females don’t answer video calls
after 9 p.m. because their face has
returned to factory settings
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“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”
– Dr. Seuss Tweet
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Have a good week!