Jerry’s Jottings 8-14-2019

Rain is needed but it’s not a good time of the year to be hopeful. It will be an interesting year. My tomato crop is in need of moisture, may have past the point of salvage. The corn looks good in places and a lot of is tasseled out. A late fall will help. The soybeans suffer because of the late spring and excess rain at planting time. Depends on the area.

  Nobles County Fair is over and on Wednesday the Murray County Fair starts. It’s nice to see the groomed animals, displayed flowers and works of art. I also, each year, check the potato entries. A long time ago, back when Shep was a pup, I would enter my Kennebec potatoes. I did okay or had good luck during the few years of participation before the demands of life took more time. So now, each year I check to see if the judges are doing their jobs. They are. The best way to tell is to have your left hand holding a chocolate malt and the right hand working a spoon. It gives a cooling effect to the brain as you contemplate the size and shape of the Kennebec potatoes. Smoothness and color of skin along with the number and placement of the eyes. Sometimes, you run out of malt before you can make an accurate assumption. Fairs are for eating and visiting with folks you haven’t seen for awhile and those who you saw the day before. We will see you there.

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One of the oldest dances popular in D.C. has a new name: The Politician.

“All you have to do is take three steps forward, two steps backward, then side-step, side-step, and turn around.”

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My Old Aunt Says

Women love mythical creatures




Men who listen

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The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.            -Winston Churchill

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Have a good week!