Joy in the Journey 2-8-2017

It is coming. Valentine’s Day, that is.  The time to think about those we love.  “ Family is the love you have been given.  Friendship is the love you choose.”

I received a little book for my latest birthday entitled True Friend.   The author is Melvina Young, and it holds some quotes that are appropriate for this special holiday.

“ You have such strong shoulders…I know I can stop and lean for awhile if I need to.”  Wow..what a compliment to give to a friend.  One who is just there and that is enough.  Sometimes to just listen when that is really what we need.  They don’t have to be able to “fix” anything, because many times they cannot, even if they tried.

“Good heart, strong spirit, kind soul, true friend…that is you.”   “You celebrate my victories.  You cry over my disappointments.  You have my back during challenges.”  Just the friend we need on any given day.  These kind of friends make US a better person when they are around us and in our life.

“Know how I know we are friends for life?  I can tell you anything…and you still like me anyway.”  I have a little pillow in our home, one that I gave to my husband, that says, “ You will always be my best friend.  You know too much!”  Humorous, but a lot of truth in that , isn’t there?  Sometimes when we don’t have any words, these kind of friends know what we want to say.  It brings such comfort and peace to us, especially at times when we are troubled or hurting.

“ You are the bringer of good things to my life.”  When we have a friendship that love is given both ways, that love grows and we gain so much from it.  It makes me smile just to think of those kinds of friends in my life.

“ Time sharer…straight talker…mind reader…good-thought sender…support-lender…hug-giver….memory collector…spirit lifter”   In other words, a LIFE-SAVER!!!  I’ve always been taught that to have a friend, you have to first be a friend.  These are the attributes that I want in a friendship.  So my job then is to give these gifts to others.

In the best book we could ever read, this is the advice given:  “ Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”  Romans 12:10   This verse brings to my mind the thought of respect.  It is a hard gift to find in this world sometimes, but that should be the goal for each of us in our friendships.

One more quote from my little book.  “ A GOOD friend tells you when you have spinach in your teeth.  A GREAT friend tells you that ordering the dessert instead is the best way to avoid getting spinach  in your teeth!”   I like that kind of thinking!!  The following recipe came to me from my daughter, Ranell.  She and a friend baked it and gave me some “reviews”!  Even though she likes chocolate as much as I do, she said to take a small piece, as it is rich.  They sampled it warm, but she thought it would be good “cold” too.  If you need a luscious dessert for Valentine’s Day..give it a try.  Enjoy!!

Mounds Cake     ( **Not Diet**   Chocoholics Beware!!   Highly Addictive!  )

You will need:

    1 Devil’s Food Cake Mix

    2 cups sugar, divided

    24 large marshmallows

    1 1/2 cups milk, divided

    14 oz. package coconut

    1 stick of butter

    1 1/2 cups chocolate chips

Mix and bake cake mix according to directions.   Combine 1 cup sugar, marshmallows, and 1 cup milk in saucepan until melted together.  Stir in coconut and spread over the warm cake.

Mix butter, 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup milk in saucepan.  Bring to a boil and stir in chocolate chips until smooth.  Spread over the coconut mixture.

Also good refrigerated!