To the Editor,
Last fall, President Trump pledged to lift restrictions on the sale of E15, a low-cost fuel option made with homegrown ethanol. The decades-old regulation that restricts E15 from being sold during the summer months was unnecessary and outdated. E15 is cleaner, higher in octane, and costs up to 10 cents less per gallon. The deregulation of E15 also gives a major opportunity to Minnesota farmers to tap into a growing market and start to reverse the multi-year decline in farm income. Consumers and farmers across the Midwest could benefit greatly if the EPA allows more competition at the pump.
We live in the heart of corn country and many farmers in Minnesota are struggling. Every day I go to work in St. Paul, I hear the opinions and concerns of my constituents. Year-round E15 is a major issue for farmers and motorists in my district, as they will all directly benefit from lifting these archaic regulations. The EPA in Washington, D.C. needs to permit year-round E15 soon. Minnesotans are counting on it.
Senator Bill Weber
State Senate District 22