By Norma Dittman
Fulda Free Press staff writer
Nine residents at Maple Lawn Senior Care Campus have agreed to share their letters, written to Santa Claus, with Fulda Free Press readers. The Letters to Santa came about through the Pink Ladies encouraging the residents to pen there Christmas memories to Santa.
The Maple Lawn Pink Ladies held their annual Residents Christmas Party on Thursday, December 1st, during Snow Week.
To add even more joy to your holiday spirit, please read on:
Dear Santa,
I enjoy Christmas time with all the family and church activities. When I was growing up we didn’t celebrate a lot of holidays but Christmas Eve was very special as we decorated our tree and went to church. I usually got an item of clothing for my gift. One of the best gifts that I got was that every day started with my father reading Psalm 100 and I still do that today. These holidays are so important and if I could ask for one gift again this Christmas it would be to have all my family being together to celebrate Christmas.
God’s blessings, Santa.
Mary Holtrop
Dear Santa,
Christmas is such a fun time. Recently I was selected as the King of Snow Week here at Maple Lawn. When I was young I went to Country School District 37. I really enjoyed trapping skunks and carrying my single shot gun. I got a bicycle and rode all over the neighborhood. At church we had to do a speech by the altar. Was more shy about getting up in front then the kids today. I also got a toy tractor and wagon for Christmas one year. I also remember drawing names for a free turkey on Saturday evenings uptown. Even now I love to get candy and a new deck of cards for Christmas. I still enjoy my peanuts every day.
Walter Ruesch
Hi, Santa.
I think I have been very good this year. Everyone enjoys being around me. They like to hear me sing, especially at church. I was a trucker much of my life from the Windom area. One of my Christmases I got a Lionel train set up. We always had a wonderful Christmas celebration with my Dad’s side – having ham, 2 or 3 geese with all the goodies. If I could have anything this year I would love to have a new Western suit to wear to church.
Smokey (Franklin Brandt)
Dear Santa,
Christmas time is special to me as I remember earlier years of doing a Christmas play at our country school District 59. We put on a Christmas play with a tree lit with candles. As I think about it I wonder why the school didn’t burn down. On Christmas Eve, we went to church but had to make sure our chores were all done, like milking the cows, taking care of the pigs and chickens. We would have a big dinner on Christmas with my Mother’s family. We made popcorn balls, spritz cookies and other goodies. I usually got a doll, a dress and some candy for Christmas. Thanks for coming today, Santa.
Name withheld
Dear Santa,
I am from Balaton and enjoy my new home here. We always had oyster stew on Christmas Eve and on Christmas morning had Ulolta – Swedish service at 6:00 in the morning. My husband was from a large family so they usually would get a very small gift such as a tiny knife. I usually got something each year for Christmas. I especially loved a doll I got with blue hair. We treated our gifts with care as we knew they would have to last. Thanks for sharing toys with everyone around the world.
Patricia Nelson
Dear Santa,
I grew up by Garvin on a farm so had to help inside and outside with animals and chores in the house. I remember Christmas past because my Dad made me a doll bed. From Santa I would get ribbon candy, apple, oranges and some nuts. On Christmas, we would go to Midnight Mass and enjoy oyster stew. One year I got a special doll, a pair of mittens or other gifts that we received were made by my aunt such as pajamas, dresses, etc., out of the feed sacks my mom saved. One year my mom had wrapped each of us a gift and were told not to tell others of our gift but my sister and I both told what we got, it was to be a secret, but we had a fun time with it. I still love doing puzzles and working on my family history so I could always use more puzzles, plus help in searching my family history.
Marianne Kern
Dear Santa,
Years ago, I remember the BEST PRESENT I got that you hid in the pantry. It was hidden there because it was too big to wrap. I was the youngest of 6 kids. I loved to be outside. All I wanted was my own sled to slide down those big hills by Chandler. WOW!! did we have fun sliding down those big and little hills going back and forth with the new sled and the old tire inner tube sleds.
Another favorite gift I remember was a pair of ice skates. We had a mud hole water pond on our farm. When we had spare time on winter afternoons we would strap the skates to our shoes and skate for hours. In the summer we would cool off in that same pond that we shared with the ducks and geese. No swim suits just our clothes…which dried quickly as we ran back to the house.
Merry Christmas, Santa, and thank you for the many great presents you brought me over the years.
I am hoping for a white Christmas. I wish you safe traveling on Christmas Eve. I think you have the best job in the world!
Take care and remember I am in room number 210.
John Bothof
P.S. I’be been a very good guy (boy) this year!
Dear Santa Claus,
I have been thinking about Christmas memories from long ago.
Growing up we always had a Christmas tree and decorated it with homemade decorations. Being the oldest child in my family, I loved to string popcorn for the tree with my five brothers and sisters.
Days before Christmas we would go for a ride in the car. We went to Alberdings, a busy store in Lismore to visit Santa and check out the many Christmas displays.
On Christmas Eve we went to midnight mass. We we got home we snacked on my favorite Christmas treat…homemade fruit cake…so moist and good, filled with delicious nuts and cherries.
One of my favorite Christmas mornings I got a doll and doll house. The doll house was filled with the cutest little furniture. Many days my sisters and I played house.
On Christmas Day I remember going to Grandpa and Grandma’s house in Lismore. The grown ups played 500 and the kids played outside.
Today I share German Christmas traditions with my four children, 15 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren who live all over the United States. Santa, please bring them ALL Happy Christmas memories.
Name withheld
Dear Santa,
Today I turned the page on my calendar to December. Where did 2016 go?
Our home is beautifully decorated for the Christmas season and it’s been snowing!
Lookback, what I remember most about Christmas were the family traditions and holiday gatherings.
On Christmas Eve a tradition was to have oyster stew but I just wanted the oyster broth…no oysters for me!
I smile remembering going to church on Christmas Eve and singing Christmas carols with the many, many beautiful lit candles. After the church service we looked forward to a brown paper bag filled with fruit, nuts and tasty hard Christmas candy.
Mom and Dad were very good to us. My sister and I enjoyed many beautiful dolls over the years. We spent hours playing with them.
A later tradition on Christmas Eve with my 5 children was to have of course….oyster stew, but we also enjoyed my home made pizza and it was delicious!
I looked forward to Christmas shopping and baking. Did I tell you my favorite Christmas cookies are those round butter balls filled with chopped pecans and rolled in powdered sugar? Christmas cookies and a good cup of coffee…what a great afternoon snack!
Well, Santa, I’m sure you’re very busy getting ready for Christmas. Please say “Hello” to Mrs. Claus and the reindeer, especially Rudolph!”
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year!
Merry Christmas, Santa!
Mary Kay