December 27, 2016 8:30 a.m. Pursuant to notice, the Murray County Board of Commissioners convened with the following members present: Commissioners Moline, Jens, Magnus, Kluis and Thiner. Also present Aurora Heard, Heidi Winter, and Travis Smith.
MSP to approve the agenda as modified.
MSP to approve consent agenda items 1 and 2.
MS to give Soil and Water an additional $18,000 for the capacity services grant on a one-time basis. Motion failed.
MSP to approve the additional purchase price amount of $1,508.00 for a Kinola Minolta C458 Color Document System for the Extension Office.
MSP and carried that all claims as presented were approved for payment. The Chairman was authorized to sign the Audit List dated 12/27/2016 with fund totals as follows and warrants numbered 151558 – 151644:
County Revenue Fund 87,346.05
County Road & Bridge Fund 19,768.02
EDA 57.49
Ditch 134.50
Sunrise Terrace 455.52
Total 107,761.58
MSP to approve ditch contractor bills for County Ditches No. 20, 22, 40, 61(2), 63, 76A-18 and Judicial Ditches No. 6, 8(2), 10(2), 14(3), 20A(2), 28, and admin totaling $59,321.90
MSP to approve paying crop damages of $246.00 to Luther Tostengaard for damage to 0.566 acres (26.28 bushels) of soybeans lost during the repair of the outlet to the Dovray Slough on County Ditch 4.
MSP Resolution 2016-12-27-01, Resolution Setting the Solid Waste Assessment for 2017
MSP RESOLUTION NO. 2016-12-27-02, Resolution Setting the E911 Assessment for 2017
MSP Resolution 2016-12-27-03, Resolution setting the Murray County Beaver Control Fee for 2017
MSP Resolution 2016-12-27-04, Resolution Setting the 2017 Pocket Gopher Bounty
MSP to certify the 2016 CWP Septic System Loans as special assessments for taxes payable in 2017 as follows
Murray County Septic Lien Program at 4% as follows:
Recorded Parcel Loan
Loan# On Name Number Amount Term
137 8/8/2016 Carl and Catherine Hennager 02-012-0050 $10,602.79 10 years
138 8/19/2016 Joseph and Amanda Gilbertson 05-016-0080 $10,200.00 10 years
139 8/312016 James and Mary Sweetman 18-019-0012 $14,707.64 10 years
140 9/26/2016 David & Jean Waldron 04-004-0030 $11,757.03 10 years
141 9/22/2016 The Maeyaert Family Trust 09-016-0020 $10,740.00 10 years
142 1/7/2016 Clayton T. Campbell 18-013-0060 $11,690.00 10 years
143 1/8/2016 Scott E. and Ann M. Muecke 13-027-0060 $12,918.41 10 years
144 11/14/2016 Danny E. Nielsen and
Glenda R. Nielsen 02-017-0061 $13,850.00 10 years
145 11/30/2016 BarryJ. and Sheila T. Kuball 12-025-0022 $ 8,665.46 10 years
146 12/14/2016 Nathan C. Miller 14-017-0051 $14,329.04 5 years
147 12/22/2016 Kraig & Brenda Boese 20-021-0021 $12,994.12 10 years
MSP to approve the 2017 tobacco license renewals in accordance to Murray County Tobacco Ordinance No. 98-10-6-1 for the following establishments: M004 – Carlson’s Corner – DeAnn and Jeff Carlson; M005 – Ruppert Oil – Michael D. Ruppert; M003 – Pete’s Corner – Joyce and Peter Bloemendaal; M006 – Chandler Coop (dba Cenex Convenience Store – Lake Wilson) – Kevin Deveraux; M009 – Avoca Municipal Liquor Store – City of Avoca; M014 – Roger Hamann – Trails Edge General Store
MSP RESOLUTION 2016-12-27-05, Resolution Approving 2017 Depository of Public Funds Agreements
MSP to approve the 2016 Audit Engagement Letter with the Minnesota Office of the
State Auditor, further moving to authorize the Board Chair, County Coordinator and
Auditor-Treasurer to sign the letter on behalf of the County.
MSP Resolution 2016-12-27-06, Resolution Setting the 2017 Levies for County and
Judicial Drainage Systems in Murray County
MSP to approve to rescind Resolution # 2013-11-05-02, A Resolution Establishing a Change Fund for the County Recorder’s Checking Account, furthermore authorizing Auditor/Treasurer Winter to withdraw the funds from the account.
Open Forum/Public Comment – No members of the public were present.
MSP to approve budgeting for a case management software for the County Attorney’s office.
MSP to approve any Commissioner can attend the Regional Development Commission on Saturday February 4, 2017.
The public hearing for the 2017 fee schedule was called to order. There were no members of the public present.
MSP to approve the 2017 fee schedule.
The public hearing was adjourned.
MSP to approve Conditional Use Permit # 1328 for Jim and Melissa Christian, to establish a conforming dog kennel in the Agricultural District in the E½ NE1/4, Section 33, Shetek Township, with the five special conditions recommended by the Planning Commission.
MSP to approve and authorize the Board Chair sign the 2017 agreement for professional services with Rupp, Anderson, Squires, & Waldspurger, P.A.
MSP to approve removing D.1.e, “Encourage the County to research and limit acquisition of new public lands within the County” from the comprehensive land use plan.
MSP to approve the updated Comprehensive Land Use Plan as amended.
MSP to approve Coordinator Heard submit the Association of Minnesota Counties County Program Aid editorial to the Murray County News and Wheel Herald and to send the editorial to Senator Bill Weber and Representative Joe Schomacher, Jay Trusty at the Regional Development Commission, and other counties in AMC District 8.
MSP RESOLUTION NO. 2016-12-27-07, 2017 County Auditor/Treasurer Salary
MSP RESOLUTION NO. 2016-12-27-08, 2017 County Recorder Salary
MSP RESOLUTION NO. 2016-12-27-09, 2017 County Sheriff Salary
MSP RESOLUTION NO. 2016-12-27-10, 2017 County Attorney Salary
MSP Resolution 2016-12-27-11, Resolution Setting County Commissioner Salary and Adopting Schedule of Per Diem for 2017.
MSP Resolution 2016-12-27-12, Resolution Setting the Per Meeting Pay for Citizen Committees
The County mileage reimbursement rate will decrease to .535 per mile, pursuant to Murray County Resolution 2001-12-31-05, which follows the Federal Mileage Reimbursement rate.
MSP Resolution 2016-12-20-13, Resolution Stating the 2017 Meal Reimbursement Policy
MSP to approve the updated Flexible Benefits Plan.
MSP RESOLUTION 2016-12-27-14, Resolution Setting the 2017 Budget
The meeting adjourned.
Attest: Aurora Heard,
County Coordinator
A complete copy of these proceedings will be posted for 1 month in the Murray County Government Center, Slayton, MN.
And is also available at www.murray-countymn.com
S, 1/11/2017