November 1, 2016 8:30 a.m. Pursuant to notice, the Murray County Board of Commissioners convened with the following members present: Commissioners Moline, Jens, Magnus, Kluis and Thiner. Also present Aurora Heard and Travis Smith.
MSP to approve the agenda as modified.
MSP to approve consent agenda item 1.
MSP and carried that all claims as presented were approved for payment. The Chairman was authorized to sign the Audit List dated 11-1-2016 with fund totals as follows and warrants numbered 151073 – 151122:
County Revenue Fund 24,381.41
County Road & Bridge Fund 19,923.03
EDA 27.38
Ditch 35.00
Sunrise Terrace 220.00
Total 44,586.82
MSP to approve ditch inspection report for County Ditch No. 11.
MSP to approve denying ditch petition #2016-066, JD 2 Br. Q15: 21 Lime Lake Twp.
MSP to approve and authorize the Board Chair sign the 2016 Plum Creek library agreement.
MSP to approve hiring Kenneth Bickner as the Water Resources Technician, at a labor grade 14, step 1, non-exempt position with a start date of November 7, 2016.
MSP to approve the updated Employee Recognition and Wellness Policy #707.
MSP Resolution No. 2016-11-01-01, Resolution Setting 2017 Employer Contribution to Murray County Cafeteria Plan, Including VEBA or HSA Accounts.
MSP Resolution No. 2016-11-01-02, Resolution Regarding 2017 Murray County Health Insurance.
MSP to approve Conditional Use Permit #1326, Woodstock Communications to erect a telecommunications in the Agriculture District SE 1/4 , Section 5, Mason Township, with no special conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission.
MSP to approve a preliminary plat for a re-subdivision of existing lots in the Shoreland Residential District on Lake Sarah, a General Development Lake, in the Smithback Addition, lots 37-32 of Lake Sarah Summer Resort, Outlots L, M and N of Sarah’s Addition, and part of the vacated beach, the vacated public lands and vacated township road based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission.
MSP to approve Conditional Use Permit #1327 for Justin Kremer to construct and operate a new feedlot over 300 animal units in the Agriculture District, S 1/2, Section 20, Bondin Township based on the recommendation of the Planning Commission, including five (5) special conditions.
MSP to approve the Building Committee obtain prices for two sidewalks to connect the county sidewalk and the high school sidewalk and bring it back to the County Board.
MSP to accept and approve the five (5) year road plan/road tour results.
MSP to approve County Engineer Groves working with a tree company and the power company to determine the best way to remove trees on the curves by the Bible Camp on Keeley Island on County Road 13/102, due to safety concerns when people are walking.
Open Forum/Public Comment – No members of the public were present.
MSP to approve purchasing Zuercher software for the Sheriff’s Office, as the current software is not working.
The meeting was adjourned.
Attest: Aurora Heard,
County Coordinator
A complete copy of these proceedings will be posted for 1 month at the Murray County Government Center, Slayton, MN.
And is also available at www.murray-countymn.com