Murray County Commissioners approve change of open forum time; sale of MCMC blue bus; Fulda Clinic

The public Open Forum, time that has traditionally been at 10:00 a.m. on the Murray County Commissioner’s meeting agendas, is changing to start at 8:35 a.m. at the beginning of each regular scheduled board meeting.  This change will take effect on Tuesday, September 3rd.

It is the expectation that this public format time change will become a permanent part of the agenda at every regularly scheduled board meeting, but the Board of Commissioners reserves the right to change this procedure or format at any time.

It is not possible for the Commissioners to vote or act on any issue brought to the Board during open forum.  Should action need to take place, they could make a motion to take it under consideration at a future meeting. The person or persons speaking may be asked for further information and asked to attend a future Commissioners meeting for action if needed.

Heidi Winter, auditor-treasurer, presented the warrants and ditch bills for approval. Also given a nod was pay application number 2 to Cooreman Contracting, Inc. for the Judicial Ditch 3 improvement project in the amount of $149,816.34. This improvement project is joint with Cottonwood County. The original contract amount was $1,674,622.96.

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