Pickings form the Past 2-20-2019

60 years ago

Thursday, Feb. 19, 1958

Four firemen retire from the Fulda Fire Department; Fritz Reusse, 42 years of service, Carle Reusse, 17 years of service, John Leinen, 16 years of service, and Frank Freetly, 14 years of service. Each received a plaque.

A damaged cable disrupted the phone service provided by Northwestern Bell Telephone Company this past week. A.C. Luehmann reports an under ground cable received wide cracks and melted snow seepage leaving 103 farm sites and 34 town telephones out of order. Damage was repaired on Friday.

Members of the Sherburn High School Band entertained the students and faculty at the Fulda High School this week with a fine concert. The Fulda band, under the direction of Philip Norrdin, will return the guest appearance at the Sherburn High School on March 4th.

Mrs. Karl Zanko passed away on Monday evening, February 16th, at the age of 89 years old.

Many local couples note anniversaries this week including Mr. and Mrs. Wm Knigge, 43, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Winters, 48, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evers, 20, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hostetler, 32, Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke, 50, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lundeen, 20, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ruesch, 25.

Lt. and Mrs. Ernest Yaeger Jr. are the parents of a daughter, born February 14. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greenfield are the grandparents.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hartle are the parents of a daughter, Gail, born February 14th.

30 years ago

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 1989

Junior High Band and Choir members from 18 schools, including 15 Fulda students, attended the Band Festival held in Slayton.

Jean Collis to retire from her position with Interstate Power and is excited to see what new avenues will open for her.

Fulda Blandin Foundation received a $1,000 grant from the Southwest Minnesota Initiative Fund.

Celebrating birthday’s at Maple Lawn Nursing Home this month are Grace Muller, Mary Olson, Christine Jensen, Frank Kuehl, and Marie Schuster.

Featured in Fulda High School Senior Profiles this weekare Chad Smith, Mark Gerdes and Sven Sveinsson.

Fulda girls basketball team wins District opener defeating Faith Christian 74-38.

Susan Bolluyt and Bruce Boomgarden were united in marriage on October 1, 1988 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Walnut Grove.

Lydia Danneman celebrates 81st birthday.

Dave and Sheila Bos are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Kamaria. Grandparents include Dave and Pat Bos and Walter and Rose Gehl.

Grace Onken passed away on February 7th at the age of 92 years old.

Frankie Segar passed away on February 8th at the age of 70 years old.

Citizens of Tomorrow include Matthew, Elizabeth and Andrew Witzel; Danielle, Cody and Jamie Bell; and Sara, Danny, and Kayla Dekker.

Jerome and LaVerna Olsem announce their engagement. An April 15th wedding day is planned.

Joel Peyton transform elementary cafeteria wall into a work of art with colorful mural.

20 years ago

Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1999

Students at the Fulda Elementary School learn a new way to communicate – sign language.

Marquis Madison to be new funeral home director in Fulda.

Rash of burglaries solved in the area according to the Murray County Sheriff’s Department. It is believed that all stolen firearms and most of the  other items taken have been recovered. Two suspects are in custody.

National FFA Week celebrated at the Fulda High School.

Ruth Amundson is the local TOPS Chapter winner in meeting weight loss goals this year. She is congratulated by Fulda TOPS Leader Irma Schwantes.

FLA/FHA LifeSmarts team, consisting of Jackie Engen, Sara Dekker, Laura Meier, Kelly Isder and Heidi Uttech, is headed to State with a chance to move on to Nationals.

Featured in Fulda High School Senior Profiles this week are Thomas Meyeraan and Travis Reith.

Warrior wrestlers advance two to State competition – Kent Crowley and Nick Schrantz.

Fulda girls basketball team nips SSC Quasars 56-55 in classic tournament thriller.

Varsity boys top MLBO and SSC to complete undefeated conference season 16-0.

Joan Koopman and Jim Kolander announce their engagement. A March 20th wedding is planned.

Jennifer Smith and Cory Vold announce their engagement. An April 17th wedding is planned.

Gary and Karen Fuerstenberg are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Kyla born February 10th. Grandparents include Myron and Marie Onken and Dona and Remigius Fuerstenberg.

Mark and Denal Wahlberg are very proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Mikayla born October 22, 2018. Proud grandparents are Ed and Adeline Baumgartner and Rodney and MaryAnn Wahlberg.

Celebrating birthdays at Maple Lawn Nursing Home this month are Lydia Behr, Delores Humphrey, Joe Kass, Agnes Paplow, Blanche Salentiny and Fred Wolf.

Harvey Gerdes passed away on February 17th at the age of 74 years old.