Pickings from the past


50 years ago

Thursday, October 27, 1966

On the Job Training program to be offered through the Fulda High School. Students will work one hour a day free in exchange at local businesses for the training.

Mr. and Mrs. Delano Dorpinghause has some frightening hours on Sunday when their little son, Keith, not yet two, was lost in a corn field. Friends, neighbors and the Fulda Fire Department assisted in the search. It was little Timmy Daniels who found Keith in a field and brought him to the house.

  Plans are now underway in Fulda to name all the streets and number all houses and business places. The project was initiated by the Fulda Lions Club.

A surprise Housewarming Party was given on Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jorgensen at their recently purchased home in Fulda.

Congressman Ancher Nelsen of the Second District campaigned in Fulda on Monday as he greeted local residents.

L/Cpl. Leo J. Voss was selected to be on the security team guarding President Johnson on his tour of the Pacific.

Filings for Village Offices now open for council, clerk, trustee and constable. Election will be held on December 6, 1966.

Mr. and Mrs. LaVoy Lund are the parents of a son, James, born October 19th. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dorpinghaus and Mr. and Mrs. Alfie Lund.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kolander are the parents of a daughter, Karen, born October 19. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hanson and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kolander.

Citizens of Tomorrow include Terry, Jordan and Dana Pekas and Barbara, Bradley, Daniel, Michael, and Monte Beckman.

Sherilyn Roberts and Rodney Lundeen were united in marriage on October 15, 1966 at the Presbyterian Church in Fulda.

30 years ago

Thursday, October 23, 1986

Emory Beckman, Syd Halverson and Larry Schindler running for the two open positions on the Fulda City Council.  Wallace W. Getzel and Mary Magnus vie for position of mayor.

Thefts and vandalism reported over the weekend. Two wagon loads of beans were stole from the Robert Shea farm (value estimated at $800 for the wagons and $1250 for the beans). Orrin Clarke had three tool boxes stolen worth approximately $750 and Roy Dirksen lost tools and diesel from his farm near Dundee.

The FFA Soil Team of John Trierweiler, Scott Spittle, Bryon Spittle and Dan Kirlin have qualified for State.

Resident of the Month at Maple Lawn is Grace Onken.

Meal site and home delivered meals are being offered in Fulda for persons 60 years or older.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dittman will be celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary on October 26th.

Monica Drealan and Emilio DeGrazia were married August 9th in Minneapolis.

Richard Michelau passed away on October 11, 1986 at the age of 36 years old.

Remember to set your clocks back on Saturday!

20 years ago

Wednesday, October 23, 1996

Mary Ackerman who is celebrated her 102nd birthday on October 16th has lived through 22 presidents!

Sealed bids were opened for a new ambulance for the City of Fulda with three bids being received.

Fulda Lumber – a family owned independent lumberyard for the past 50 years.

Amy Kolander, who was involved in a car pickup collision near Reading on Tuesday, is in stable condition at Sioux Valley Hospital in Sioux Falls.

Piano students of Jan VanOort participated in recital held at the End O’ Line Park in Currie on October 17th.

Sr. Gabriel’s Church and school was the site of this year’s WDCCW (Winona Diocese Council of Catholic Women) workshop last Sunday.

Citizens of Tomorrow include Nicole and Mandy Gunderman, Wyatt and Jacob Kirlin and Carrington and Sheridan Jamvold.

Jennifer Aanenson and Ryan Kuehl exchange vows on June 8th at St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church of Fulda with Pastor Gordon Moen and Father Eugene Egan officiating.

Julie Kramer and Lee Buchholz announce their engagement. The couple is planning a November 9th wedding.

Leora Enninga to celebrate her 80th birthday on November 2nd.

Ruth Gunderman will be 90 years old on October 24th.

Funeral services were held for Wilma Noble on September 25, 1996 in Arco, Minnesota.

Bernard Fielder passed away on September 6, 1996 at the age of 73 years old.

Neighbors helping neighbors – Monday, October 14th many volunteers gathered in the crops of the late Bernard Fiedler as rows of combines combed the 330 acres.

The County Directory will be ready to be picked up on December 1st at the court house.

A salute to Pork producers included in this issue.

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