60 years ago
Thursday, October 22, 1959
Father Hodapp, who is on a trip around the world, wrote to his parish from Rome October 7th.
Minnesota hunters will take to the fields on October 24, 25, and 26 in search of pheasants to feed more than 4,000 military service veterans hospitalized throughout the state.
Rites held on Saturday for Vencentia Nevin, 79, a long time Fulda resident. Miss Nevin passed away on October 14th from pneumonia complications.
Mrs. Blanche Wilson passed away at her home in Lake Crystal on October 15th. Eastern Star services were held at the James Brothers Funeral Home on Sunday.
Kuehl Studio, Fulda offering family picture sittings for your Christmas cards…don’t miss out.
Fulda Theatre showing Al Capone staring Rod Steiger and Fay Spain beginning Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Wulff had the misfortune of falling last weekend fracturing her collar bone, two ribs and a vertebrae. She is in the hospital at Glenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ramert are the parents of a son born October 14th in Worthington.
Call Herbert H. Gehl for all your Sand and Gravel needs; Phone 378.
Nelson Plumbing and Heating offering free estimates on new Lennox furnaces and air conditioning.
“A racket is a formula for making a living without too much work.”
30 years ago
Wed., October 25, 1989
Excitement was in the air on Wednesday night as area residents were able to meet with Minnesota House Representatives at the Elementary School. Attending were House Speaker Robert (Bob) Vanasek, Senator Jim Vickerman, Representative Katy Olson, Representative Carlson, and Representative Ted Winter among others.
Rev. Richard Glover has taken on the Pastoral duties at Faith Lutheran Church in Avoca.
The Fulda School Board accepted the offer from Pudge Sanow of $17,500 for the purchase of school property including the house and two and a half lots. All were in favor.
Carrie Fuerstenberg won a trophy in the Women’s Division of Brown Belt Sparring at the 12th Annual Diamond Nationals held in the Cities.
Adeline Kuehl passed away on October 20th at the age of 79 years old.
Bernard A. Cosgriff passed away on October 19th at the age of 89 years old.
Celebrating birthdays at Maple Lawn Nursing Home this month are Mabel Buss, Anna Poss, Irene Bruns, Adele Jones and Harvey Talcott.
Margaret Stillo and Joseph Garvin were married August 19th at St. Gabriel’s Catholic Church.
Bethel Lutheran Church in Willmar was the setting for the June 17th wedding of Susan Grtriis and Michael Ommen.
20 years ago
Wed., October 27, 1999
Developmental Achievement Center (DAC) has opened a new facility in Fulda. The Fulda DAC is a branch of the Murray County DAC.
Fulda School Board discuss pay 200 Levy, the 1998-1999 audit, and the Capitol Outlay.
The lack of rain made a successful and timely harvest this fall, however the same dry conditions resulted in a very high fire index. Between October 11 and 17, ten out of control fires were reported to emergency dispatch most of which resulted in loss of crops and grass as well as several buildings. The sheriff’s office has issued a burn ban until further notice; failure to observe the burn ban will result in a fine of $132.00.
Leona Beckman is honored as Resident of the Month at Maple Lawn Nursing Home for October.
Donald James Maher passed away at the age of 51 years old on October 15, 1999.
Students from the Fulda High School took a trip to the Murray County Museum in Slayton where Larry Sloan and Ted Bruns demonstrated the art of making rope.