Pickings from the Past

50 years ago

Thursday, February 2, 1967

Jerry Schnurr is the first Vietnam Veteran to join the Fulda Legion Post.

Pamela Phelps is engaged to Leon Ulferts. A September wedding is planned.

Mrs. H. C. Nigg passed away on January 31st.

Janice Bultmann is engaged to  Dennis Schei. No wedding date has been set.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Haupert are the parents of a daughter, Sandra, born January 24th. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Haupert and Mr. and Mrs. Don Kuehl.

Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Hakeneis are the parents of a son, Mark born on January 23rd. Grandparents are Mrs. Frank Lenhoff and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hakeneis.

Mr. and Mrs. Arvin Wildfeuer are the parents of a son, Jason, born January 28th. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mews and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wildfeuer.

Ed and Andy Baumgartner, both Standard Oil Agents, will host a Farm Chemical Clinic on February 7th at the Fulda Legion Hall. Under discussion will be Herbicides, Insecticides and Fly Control.

Need a car? Stop in and see Wayne Scholtes or Art Slater at Scholtes Motors Inc. of Worthington.

30 years ago

Thursday, January 29, 1987

El Riad Temple elected the illustrious Sir George M. Henningsen to the highest position of Potentate on January 14th.

The Fulda City Council voted to reduce the rent on the Fulda Senior Center to $85.00 per month from $110.00 per month.

Members of the Fulda Area Lakes Preservation Restoration group placed rock around the shore line of Seven Mile Lake to help stabilize the shoreline.

Dundee has attained a new Postmaster. Mrs. Jim (Mary) Kluver will be sworn in on January 30th and taking over her duties next week.

Play tryouts are taking place on Thursday evening. The play this year is “Tender Lies” under the direction of Wilma Lindquist.

A special meeting was held by the Fulda City Council with the City of Fulda employees to discuss changing their insurance company.

Fulda’s Cabin Fever Medallion is still at large – readers now have three clues as to it’s whereabouts.

Drs. David and Patricia Malters are proud to announce the birth of Andrea born on January 8th.  Grandparents are Agnes Malters and Dr. and Mrs. Russell Brown.

Daniel Busch is serving aboard the USS England, home-ported in Long Beach, California. The 36 year old lieutenant commander is the son of William and Ethelene Busch of Fulda.

Fulda had two individual champions in the Lake Park wrestling tournament – Tim Ramerth (138) and Jeff Czepa (185).

Citizens of Tomorrow include Heather and Heidi Uttech; Justin and Ashley Wildfeuer; and Michelle and Dayna Bestge.

The word “accord” comes from the Latin ad corda, meaning “heart to heart.”

20 years ago

Wednesday, January 29, 1997

John Maertens resigned as Scoutmaster of the Fulda Boy Scout Troop after six years of service. Bill Schreiber will serve as the new Scoutmaster for Fulda. Roger Wildfeuer and Dan Hawkinson are assistant Scoutmasters.

Dan Witzel, representing the Fulda Volunteer Ambulance, presented Agnes Bockenstedt with a plaque in honor of her 14 years of service.

The Fulda Police Department will begin collecting overdue books for the City Library.

The Council has hired two new police officers on recommendation by the Safety Commission; Jeff LaCanne from Windom will replace Mike Swanson and Jim Meion from Jeffers will replace COPS Fast’s Erick Leander.

Two former Fulda graduates, Sarah Ruesch and Jeremy Braun, were part of the South Dakota State University band which participated in the inaugural parade last week in Washington, DC.

Kari Rixe and Jason Gravell were married September 28, 1996 at Zion Lutheran Church in Duluth.

Glenn and Kristine Duerr are the parents of a son, Michael, born January 23rd. Grandparents are Earl and Elfrieda Gildemeister and Norma and Henrietta Duerr.

Lisa Gerdes is engaged to  Lance Ratze. A May wedding is planned.

Mary Monahan passed away on January 21st at the age of 101 years old.

Thomas Rothstein passed away on January 20th at his home at the age of 59 years old.

Fulda High School Senior Profiles include Jeremy Dorpinhaus, Jamie Timmerman, and Jon Beckman.

Jessica Hogan scores her 1,000th point is a basketball game with SVRLB.

Annette Kremer and Easton Laackmann win the K of C free throw competition.