Pickings From The Past 8-28-2019

60 years ago

Thursday, August 27, 1959

The city’s parched lawns perked up after a rainfall of 4.25 inches in the Fulda area again early Tuesday evening added to what fell Friday and Sunday became a total of more six inches. High winds accompanied the rain on Sunday leaving damage at Windom, Lakefield and Brewster.

Rodney Lundeen of the Seward Trail Blazers 4-H Club and John Miranowski of the Kinbrae Kittens will be exhibiting their Champion Heifers at the Minnesota State Fair after winning 1st place at the Nobles County Fair. Earning a trip to the Junior Livestock Show were Jerome Dierks, Marlyn Bultman and Lawrence Winter.

Attending the State Fair from Murray County Fair are Joan Kuehl with her Grand Champion Steer, Eugene Wisdorf – Champion Angus Steer and Gary Haberman Angus Steer.

Lester Speckmeier and Bob Peterson returned Saturday from their trip into the Black Hills, Yellowstone, Salt Lake City and Denver. While in Yellowstone they experienced the rumble of a quake.

George Lober Sr. honored on his 90th birthday at a picnic dinner given by his six children and their families.

Henry Lamaack notes 80th birthday on Sunday.

Bertha Schumacher and William Fox were married at St. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church in North Dakota on Monday, August 17th. 

Rev. George Goeken passed away on Thursday, August 20th after being hospitalized following a car accident on Tuesday night. Rev. Goeken was 67 years old and formerly served in Avoca.

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Worden are the parents of a son born August 25th. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Worden.

30 years ago

Wednesday, August 30, 1989

Mike Baerenwald shares his love of building and flying model air planes.

A merger took place between the Westbrook Farmers Elevator and the elevator in Avoca as of September 1, 1989. According to manager John Proehl the merger has a bright outlook.

The Heron Lake Watershed District came about to try to restore all of the lakes in the district, not just Heron Lake. The Watershed is described as “the area of the county that all of the water flows toward (a given point)”. Through the Watershed Restoration project, Heron Lake will some day be a lake known for the quality and quantity of waterfowl and other wetlands wildlife.

Celebrating birthdays at Maple Lawn Nursing Home this month are Ernest Ruesch Rose Magnus, Julia Beckman, Edythe Lambert, Bertha Martius, Viva Handy, Arnold Latuska, Margaret Redenius and Erma Wilbur.

Richard B. Janssen passed away on August 20th at the age of 92 years old.

Twin boys were born August 21st to Maurice and Dawn Giesen. Grandparents are Lyle and Mary Kleist and Marion and the late Melvin Giesen.

The Fulda Raider football and volleyball teams are ready for action!

20 years ago

Wed., September 1, 1999

Fernando Bigaton of Brazil will be attending the Fulda High School for the 1999-2000 school year while staying with the Spencer Enninga family.

National VFW celebrates 100 years. Sophia Hein, 3rd District President attend the meeting in Kansas City, Missouri.

Mat Kremer and Chris Hawkinson of the Fulda Boy Scouts spent an afternoon last week helping Marv Mischke out with the dam near his home removing rocks which were obstructing water flow.

The Fulda Fire Department were called to the Steve Oakland farm on Saturday afternoon where a family member arrived home to a smoke filled house. According to Fire Chief Harris Swan the fire was determined to be electrical.

Joe and Alice Salentiny celebrate their 50th anniversary with an open house on September 5th.

Nora and Arthur Fuchs observe their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house on September 11th.

Citizens of Tomorrow include Benjamin, Keith, and Johnathon Gehl, Lucas, Lance and Laura Kramer, and Bouakhine, Marissa and Julia Vongphachan.

Darrel and Joni Oberoh are the most recent members of the family to live on the century family farm near Lime Creek. Darrel shares history of the homestead farm purchased by his great-great grandfather Hans Leebens.