60 years ago
Thursday, Dec. 17, 1959
Rev. Paul Hodapp returns on Tuesday from his trip around the world which covered 28,000 miles and sixty-five days.
Janice Dalin and Edward Reusse, Jr. were married at Peter and Paul’s Church in Mankato on December 12th.
Pfingsten Church holds Christmas Workshop event with many attending to create beautiful decorations in keeping with the Christmas spirit.
The Fulda High School Christmas Concert to be held on Thursday with music such as “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”, “From Heave Above”, and “The First Noel”.
Santa to make a stop in Fulda on December 21st.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Murphy are the parents of a son, Taylor born December 4th.
Dick Wilken, former resident of Fulda dies at Milford, Iowa. Mr. Wilken, 68, passed away on December 7th after suffering a heart attach the day before.
Gits Mercantile holding pre-Christmas sale – pajamas and gowns for $2.98, knit sweaters for $3.49, girl’s dresses for $2.99 and the first 150 receive a FREE rain cap!
Roti Implement Co. wishing you loads of Christmas cheer and a prosperous New Year. Stop in and take a look at our International trucks.
30 years ago
Wednesday, Dec. 20, 1989
Senator Vickerman and Representatives Winter and Olson tour the Heron Lake Restoration project.
Christmas Concert held by elementary school children.
City of Chandler was awarded a $500,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development. The grant will be used as a loan to Huisken Meat Center, Inc. in their efforts to expand in Chandler.
Marv and Maxine Heinrichs are beginning a “New Phase” in their lives as they retire after 32 years of selling carpet and linoleum on Fulda’s main street.
Citizens of Tomorrow include Nicole, Kirstin, and Cody Ommen; Megan, Mark and Gretchen Enninga; and Matthew, Elizabeth and Andrew Witzel.
Featured in Fulda High School Senior Profiles this week are Greg Otkin, Chad Michelau, and Shawn Wilde.
Elizabeth Hogan passed away at the age of 94 years old on December 14th.
Patrick and Shirley Connor are the parents of a son, Ian, born December 11th. Grandparents include Ed and Barb Sandhurst and Bill and Pearline Connor.
Mark and Sue Sandhurst are the parents of a son, Brett, born December 14th. Grandparents are Ed and Jeanette Wieskus, Marlene Murphy, and Vince Sandhurst.
Elaine and Wayne Fenicle are the parents of a daughter, Gina, born November 27th. Grandparents are Mrs. Marie Kirchner and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fenicle.
Celebrating birthdays at Maple Lawn this month are Margaret Fitzgerald, Gus Wagner, Genevieve Fradette, and Alvina Weinzetl.
Santa Claus made an appearance in Fulda this last weekend to the delight of many Fulda children.
Letters to Santa in this issue include;
“Dear Santa, How are you? How are your reindeer? Do you know what I want for Christmas? I want a new watch and a Nintendo. Your friend, Justin Thiner”
“Dear Santa, How are you? For Christmas I want a doll, a doll house, and clothes, a Nintendo, and Barbie clothes. And that’s just about all I can think of. I am going to leave an apple for my favorite Reindeer, Rudolph. Well I better go now. Kisses & hugs, Becky Kaufman”
20 years ago
Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1999
Dear Santa letters featured on the front of this issue are written by Lane Gehl and Luther Dittman.
Elementary school Christmas program held Monday evening.
Kitchen Conversations by Mary Schipper has recipes for Hot Taco Casserole and Easy Chocolate Cookies this week.
The Geography Bee was held on Monday with 6th grader Andrew Witzel winning the competition.
Vincent Kunzweiler passed away on December 14th at the age of 80 years old.
Andrew Bruns passed away at the age of 71 on December 15th.
Richard Kieper, age 61, passed away on December 17th.
William Martens, age 18, passed away as the result of a single vehicle accident on December 4th.
Celebrating birthdays at Maple Lawn are Ann Gehl, Gertrude Durnan, Emma Schnurr, Susanna Soilinger and Roy Humphrey.
The forfeited three plus acres of Kayo Silvernale property in Currie will be added to the End-O-Line Park. The building will remain as storage for equipment.
Lois and Chuck Reinert donate ten handmade hobby horses to the Murray County Christmas Project.