Pie-in-the-Face for a good cause

A Food Drive was held at Fulda Elementary School beginning right after Thanksgiving until Friday, December 13th. A goal had been set for the students to collect 1,400 pounds of food for the Fulda Food Shelf.

There was much celebration as the weight of the items were tallied and it was revealed that the students had actually collected 1,403 pounds of none-perishable food goods.

Winning the classroom challenge was the third grade class who celebrated with a pizza party on Friday morning.

Assistant Elementary Principal, Grant Harms, declared that, since the students had surpassed their collection goal, they would get to throw pies in the teachers’ faces.

The Pie-In-The-Face event took place on Tuesday, December 17th, at 2:35 p.m. in the Fulda Elementary School gymnasium.

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